Theology of Leadership (May 2018 Intensive Course)

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Theology of Leadership (LF512/TS522, 3 credits)

18-25 May 2018, 9.00 am-5.00 pm (starts on Friday, ends on the following Friday)

What are God’s instructions for us today as leaders in ministry? Unreflective reliance on secular theories and techniques can be hazardous to us as leaders and to our people.  This course helps participants to develop a theological foundation for thinking about practical issues of leadership for application to life and ministry.

Guy Saffold, EdD

Guy, is Executive Director of the Associated Canadian Theological Schools at Trinity Western University and has 40 years of experience in organisational and ministry leadership. He holds a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from Seattle University (USA) and a MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA). He is an author and Associate Professor in theological studies and organisational leadership.  He consults and speaks widely, most recently working with hundreds of Asian leaders to support their National Evangelization Plan for their country.  Guy and his wife Susan have two sons and three grandchildren.

Registration deadline is Friday, 11 May 2018.   Online registration of courses at or contact for registration form.



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