Webinar: “I’ve Always Wondered…” (Part 2)
Have you ever wondered about hot-button biblical and theological issues such as,
- role of women and the Bible,
- an all-good God and the existence of evil,
- proliferation of denominations and biblical unity?
Theology 1 (Day Course)
TS510 Theology 1 (3 credits)
Tuesdays & Fridays, 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Survey, interact with, and imaginatively apply in contemporary context the major theological and scriptural doctrines relating to the Bible, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Pre-requisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics, TS510 Worldview and Biblical Decision Making or IS520 Contextualisation.
Raymond Go, PhD, has served in both the Church Resource Ministry and the Chinese Ministry of Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ. From 1997 to 2018, he served as faculty at the International School of Theology-Asia (now the International Graduate School of Leadership).
This class is for the semester of 20 July to 20 November 2020. It may be conducted fully online or a combination of online and in-person depending on situation. Registration deadline is Monday, 13 July 2020. You may register online or contact us for registration form.
Biblical Issues “I’ve Always Wondered” (Part 1)
Cru Singapore organised and EAST presented at a theological issues webinar, “I’ve Always Wondered” (Part 1), which took place on 12 June 2020. The panel of speakers consisted of Dr Lewis Winkler, Dr Raymond Go, and Dr Heng Hwee Chuang, all Resident Faculty of EAST. You may view the webinar video above.
The Part 2 of the webinar will cover issues such as proliferation of Christian denominations, role of women in the Bible, and an all-good God and the existence of evil. There will be Q&A session with the panel taking questions from the audience.
- Date & Time: 26 June, Friday, 2.00pm to 3.15pm
- For Free Webinar Registration: cru.sg/covid9
Webinar: “I’ve Always Wondered…” (Part 1)
Have you ever wondered about hot-button biblical and theological issues such as,
- predestination,
- war and conquests,
- slavery and freedom,
- women and equality,
- gender and sexuality,
- proliferation of denominations?