Holy Saturday


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16 (ESV)

On this Holy Saturday, we wait in quiet anticipation, holding onto the hope of resurrection and return. Rev Christopher Chan, Acting Vicar of St Andrew’s Cathedral, has this to say:

On Holy Saturday, we find ourselves in a period of waiting: the darkness of Good Friday still surrounds us as we yearn for the joy of Easter Sunday. Perhaps this mirrors an ongoing painful experience from which we long to be delivered? May we wait patiently for redemption and vindication from God, holding fast to the hope of resurrection life in the new creation, where we shall see His face and rejoice in His presence forevermore. (From Ever Changing World, Never Changing Word: Daily Devotions for Lent 2024)

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EAST Express Tabao Theology Podcast: How to suffer well


How does one have hope amidst trials?

Suffering is experienced by every person who has ever lived or is living on earth. In this episode of EAST EXPRESS Tabao Theology podcast, Rev Jacob Li, Dr Lewis Winkler, and Ms Anj Pantaleon sought biblical and theological responses to the questions on suffering together with personal and practical responses to issues pertinent to Christians & non-Christians today.

The podcast brings us to examine how as Christians, we fall back on the example of Christ who suffered for the hope set before Him of God’s greater glory ahead. Moreover, we have the comfort of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us as we go through various challenges on earth.

Do visit the links below to either view or listen to the podcast in video or audio format.

EAST YouTube video podcast: www.east.ac/podcast-video

EAST Spotify audio podcast: www.east.ac/podcast-audio

Holy Saturday Reflection: Why Is There Suffering?

Credit: Bethesda Frankel Estate Church, 2022.


A reflection theme for Holy Saturday–the day “in-between” the eventful days of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday: If God is indeed real, why is there death and suffering on Earth still? Consider pondering over Mr Max Jeganathan’s message as he spoke at a Good Friday Service on this universal issue of suffering. Whether one is a follower of Christ or otherwise, his message is deeply relevant to us all.

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从彼得前书看苦难与祝福 | 1 Peter – Suffering and Blessing


新加坡学园传道会于六月二十五日傍晚与东亚神学院携手举办,这网络研讨会将探索如何从彼得前书看苦难与祝福。讲师: 朱德裕牧师(博士),东亚神学院讲师。

1. 使徒彼得对苦难的教导
2. 彼得对苦难与祝福的见解
3. 基督徒今天如何看待我们所遭遇的苦难

A Mandarin webinar was organised on 25 June 2020 by Cru Singapore and presented by East Asia School of Theology on the topic of “Suffering and Blessings from the Book of 1 Peter.” The speaker, Rev Dr Samuel Too, is a Resident Faculty of East Asia School of Theology.

Webinar Outline:
1. Apostle Peter’s Teaching of Suffering
2. Peter’s views on suffering and blessings
3. How do Christians view our suffering today

#CruWebinar #EASTWebinar

Webinar: 从彼得前书看苦难与祝福 | 1 Peter – Suffering and Blessing



1. 使徒彼得对苦难的教导
2. 彼得对苦难与祝福的见解
3. 基督徒今天如何看待我们所遭遇的苦难

事不宜迟,赶紧分享,或点击以下链接即可报名参与!(参与者须预先登录 Zoom 账户)。

报名参与: cru.sg/covid8

A Mandarin webinar organised by Cru Singapore and presented by East Asia School of Theology.

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