Moving and Heartfelt Valedictorian Speech 2014

Witty Ms. Boo Hui Ling gave her valedictorian speech at the recent EAST 20th Commencement Service. Hear her heartfelt graduand’s reflections in this video. After graduating with her MDiv degree, she served with a Christian organization before furthering her studies.]

Mongolia Nomad – Cross-Cultural Team Internship 2014

How do you show God’s love to the Mongolian nomads? Just by being there with and serving them. And a team of EAST students did just that through their Cross-Cultural Team Internship. The first part of their trip to Mongolia was doing ministry with the nomads. Watch the video as they lived and ministered amongst the nomads.]

A team of students was in Mongolia as part of the Cross-cultural Team Internship during the summer break. The Nomad ministry was the first part of the intern…

Field Supervisors’ Tea

EAST Field Supervisors’ Tea was held recently to commission students as Field Interns under their respective Field Supervisors and ministries.

Field Supervisors' Tea

Two students from Mongolia and Myanmar shared how the Lord has led them to full-time vocational ministry and to EAST for their theological development. It was one of the largest gatherings of Field Supervisors which was a great encouragement to all present. The EAST Field Practicum department is led by Mrs. Tan Ying Kheng.

Worship at First Chapel of the Term

What beats a great worship service? A great worship service with worshippers originating from around the world who are your classmates, teachers, and fellow staff. At the first chapel of the new academic year, it was a joyful reunion to worship God together, hear updates from the summer break internships and pray together.  Watch the worship video.]

Mentoring Group members led an EAST Chapel Worship on 30 July 2014. David (Korea) was the worship song leader with Samuel (Myanmar) as the backup singer. Dan (Philippines) was the percussionist, Joseph (Vietnam) at the keyboard and Edward (Korea) managing the powerpoint.


Summer Cross-Cultural Team Internship

Teams of EAST students who completed their Cross-cultural Team Internship during the summer school break shared about their experiences at the recent chapel. Here’s a collage from a team who served at the Indian Malayalam ministry of Christ Church. We are grateful for brother Biju Samuel, an EAST alumni who now serves with Christ Church and hosted the team.

Summer X-cultural internship

“Their willingness and trust for us to minister to their children was so refreshing,” shared one team member. “We have never met an all-men group praying so fervently at the Malayalam service,” said another.

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