Bird’s-Eye View of Singapore Under Shutdown
Singapore entered its circuit breaker shutdown across the nation on 7 April 2020. Here is the aerial view of the island under the unique shutdown condition. Enjoy the view!
Source: Drone footage of Singapore under shutdown, The Straits Times Facebook Page, 15 May 2020.
Cancellation of May 2020 Intensive Course
Please be informed that due to the COVID-19 situation, the May 2020 Intensive course, Theology of Leadership, by Dr Guy Safford has been cancelled.
LF512 Theology of Leadership (3 credits)
20–29 May 2020 (starts on Wednesday, ends on the following Friday), 9.00 am-5.00 pm
What are God’s instruction for us today as leaders in ministry? Unreflective reliance on secular theories and techniques can be hazardous to us as leaders and to our people. This course helps participants to develop a solid theological foundation for thinking about practical issues of leadership for application to life and ministry.
Guy Saffold, EdD, the Executive Director Emeritus of the Association Canadian Theological Schools at Trinity Western University holds a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from Seattle University (USA). He is an author and Associate Professor in theological studies and organizational leadership.
Transforming Leadership (Evening Course)
LF511 Transforming Leadership (3 Credits)
9 January – 8 May 2020, Tuesdays, 7.00 pm-9.30 pm
Leadership is a passion and a calling. A transformational servant-leader is one who is committed to and capable of bringing about spiritual change in organisations and individuals. This course examines the underlying theology of Transforming Leadership, and the skillset such a leader should possess in today’s world.
Chan Chong Hiok, DD, is an experienced leader – from being Country Director of Cru Singapore (more than ten years) to National Leader for East Asia (18 years) to President of EAST since 2011. He has a DD in Transformational Leadership from the International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines).
Jonathan Yao, EdD Studies, has been a staff of Cru Singapore for 31 years. He has served with high school, university, evangelism and mission mobilisation, church-planting, operations, theological and leadership development ministries in Singapore and East Asia.
Liong Kwok Wai, MDiv, joined Cru Singapore 20 years ago, has served as a leader on the campuses, and among church-planters and community leaders in Singapore and East Asia. He was also involved in training full-time Christian workers and leadership development.
Registration deadline is Thursday, 2 January 2020. You may register online or contact us for registration form.
Christian Marriage & Family Life In Asia (Day Course)
LF560 Christian Marriage & Family Life In Asia (3 credits) Thursdays, 1.45 pm-5.00 pm This course provides the biblical foundations and precepts relating to Christian marriage and family life. It also explores a survey of the existing major research findings of cultural values and challenges in marriage and family among representative Asian cultural groups, and what Christians can do in response.

Urban Ministry (Day Course)
IS561 Urban Ministry (3 credits)
Thursdays, 1.45 pm-5.00 pm
What is the biblical understanding of cities? Besides the phenomenal growth of cities through the centuries, and the issues in urbanization, there will be an analysis of urban people groups and their needs, and the development of principles and strategies to evangelize and minister to city-dwellers.
Song Tae Suk Raymond, PhD, served with Cru for 15 years in the USA and Japan (Tokyo and Osaka), and in pastoral ministry among Korean-American churches for 19 years. He and his wife, Justine Han, also served with the Distance Education program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA).
Registration deadline is Thursday, 2 January 2020. You may register online or contact us for registration form.