Life’s Big Questions: How Will Things Get Better?

How Will Things Get Better? (Romans 5:12-21)

The Christmas season is often a festive and busy time for most. Amidst the hustle and bustle, however, we may still be struggling with issues of life and wonder if there is lasting joy and hope. In this, the third of a series of messages on Life’s Big Questions, it seeks to address how the Bible speaks honestly about our struggles and also offers true hope and joy. This is why Christians can celebrate Christmas.

Hear from Pastor Jeremy LeeGrace Baptist Church (GBC) as he addressed the topic on the fundamental issue faced by humanity through the ages which resulted in life that is so hard on earth and yet there is a reason for hope. The big idea: Jesus’ gift of righteousness cancels sin and gift of eternal life triumphed over death.

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Life’s Big Questions: Why is Life So Hard?

Why is Life So Hard? (Genesis 3:14-24)

The Christmas season is often a festive and busy time for most. Amidst the hustle and bustle, however, we may still be struggling with issues of life and wonder if there is lasting joy and hope. In this, the second of a series of messages on Life’s Big Questions, it seeks to address how the Bible speaks honestly about our struggles and also offers true hope and joy. This is why Christians can celebrate Christmas.

Hear from Elder Jonathan Tan, Grace Baptist Church (GBC) as he addressed the topic on the fundamental issue faced by humanity through the ages which resulted in life that is so hard on earth and yet there is a reason for hope. The big idea: We live in a fallen world but we are clothed in Christ’s righteousness and awaiting return to paradise.

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Life’s Big Questions: What’s Wrong With The World?

What’s wrong with the world? (Genesis 3:1-13)

The Christmas season is often a festive and busy time for most. Amidst the hustle and bustle, however, we may still be struggling with issues of life and wonder if there is lasting joy and hope. In this, the first of a series of messages on Life’s Big Questions, it seeks to address how the Bible speaks honestly about our struggles and also offers true hope and joy. This is why Christians can celebrate Christmas.

Hear from Elder Caleb Yap, Grace Baptist Church (GBC) as he addressed the topic on the most fundamental issue that is at the root of all problems faced by humanity through the ages. The big idea: We have dishonoured God and are hiding from Him, but He has hope for us still.

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Workshop: Thriving Marriage for Christian Leaders


How to have thriving marriages for Christian leaders?

As Christian leaders we can easily neglect our own marriage for the sake of ministry. Sometimes our differences can be seen as a hindrance to serve as one couple in unity. In this workshop, you will discover your social styles and learn how to complement each other amidst your differences. There will be practical tips given on how to serve more effectively together as a Christian couple in ministry as leaders.

You are encouraged to attend this workshop together with your spouse. There will be private discussion and exercises with your spouse at the workshop.

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A Lenten Journey @ Chapel Service


We have had the privilege of worship leaders and musicians Earnest Lau and Tan Ming Li (“acoustic Christian duo”) being present at a recent Chapel to gently lead us through a Lenten service. Earnest gave the background on the Lenten season before Ming Li led a solemn yet quietly joyful and hope-filled liturgical worship service. The times from the Word, heartfelt songs of adoration, repentance prayers, congregational responses, and meditative silences filled our souls with a tangible presence of the Almighty. We linger long in the presence of the Holy Spirit as we continue the contemplative journey in this season of Lent (see the 40 days of Lent below).

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