Will You Simply Walk Away?
This article looks back on one hand, to the beginning of time at a “most horrible and depressing day” and on the other hand, to the fulfillment of God’s promises which is the good news. Written by Dr Mona Bias, a resident faculty in biblical studies at East Asia School of Theology, it is meant to make us contemplate our relationship with the living God during this Lent season.
The 40 days of Lent 2025 begins on 5 March, Ash Wednesday and ends on 17 April, Maundy Thursday. This is then followed by Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Resurrection Sunday. Traditionally, and during this season, Christians around the world commemorate the events leading up to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As such it is a time for self-examination and spiritual inventory accompanied by prayer, fasting, repentance, and giving.
The Fulfillment of Ancient Promises – Tetélestai
Tetélestai is a Greek term from the word teleo, which can mean “to fulfill,” “to complete,” “to end.” In the context of John 19:30, tetélestai means “it is completed” or “it is paid in full.” What is completed or paid in full? Kindly read on to find the answer to this important question.
Celebrate God this Christmas!

Design by Blessed Ong
A Christmas Reflection by Mrs Margaret Chan, EAST Partners-in-Ministry Program Director
There are quite a number of Christian platforms advertising Christmas concerts for our viewing on Youtube over the Christmas season. There are also Christian choirs giving online performances via zoom platform. Churches all over the world will conduct Christmas services on Christmas day. These are joyous ways to proclaim the Christmas message to the public, for viewers to enjoy performances and for worshippers to rejoice over the Christmas message being proclaimed.
Abba Father sent Jesus into this world as a tiny baby not just for us to celebrate Christmas once a year, in merry making and giving of gifts. Abba Father sent Christ into this world to become the Saviour of sinners so that we can be reconciled to Him and become His beloved children.