Lessons from Ravi Zacharias’ life

Merely eight months ago, the Christian world was giving Dr Ravi Zacharias a warm send-off at his funeral in May 2020. He was recognised as a well-respected apologist and hailed as the C.S. Lewis of our day. Fast forward eight months later to February 2021, Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM), the organisation founded by the namesake, accepted an independent investigative report that concluded there were numerous sexual abuses by the late founder involving a number of women over a substantial period of time. This is grievous news to many and a release for those who have been victims. We are thus providing a few resources gleaned globally and locally in response to the scandal.

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Above all else, Guard your heart


This week, we are showcasing a devotional clip from Cru Singapore, narrated by the National Director Lam Kok Hiang who is also on the Board of Directors at East Asia School of Theology. He reminds us to, “Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23). View his short devotional on video below or click here.

#SaturdayGoodClip this week is about Heart Renovation which can be messy and inconvenient. Clutter like distractions in life can choke our hearts. Take time this weekend to remove clutter, rest, reflect on everything excellent, praiseworthy and noble (Philippians 4:8), and renovate your heart.

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How do you Find Identity and Worth?



Mrs Josephine Li-Lam, an EAST Partners in Ministry Faculty, shares in the #SaturdayGoodClip above how we can find our identity and worth.

“Your beauty comes, not from who you are, but Whose you are.” – Anonymous

Check out the clip and see how God can bring you from darkness to light, just as Josephine has found. She found her true identity in Christ. Once wanting to be the own boss of her life, Josephine found that to know Jesus is to make Him the real boss of her life as she started to have a real relationship with Jesus. Through the cross, through the blood of Jesus, she has rebuilt her relationship with God through believing in Jesus Christ whose sacrifice and shed blood has cleansed her of her sins and presented her pure and righteous before God.

Put your trust and faith in Jesus today to find your true identity and worth!

#SaturdayGoodClip #EASTlifestyle #EASTfaculty #salvation