Posted by eeyuing on June 18, 2021 · Leave a Comment
Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the world for over a year and EAST Alumni have been directly affected as well. EAST News caught up with two families from Indonesia, two families from Mongolia and one family from India who have suffered from Covid-19. Below are their brief updates from two families in Indonesia. More updates will follow next week.

Left to Right: Hendra Bagun, Eugenia (4), Lavisha (6), Hanna Sylvia Sitompul
Hendra Bagun, who graduated in 2017 with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, is currently pursuing an EdD and is currently the President at Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Bethsaida, a seminary in Medan, Indonesia. He suffered from Covid-19 from the first week of January this year, but thankfully his wife and children were spared. He experienced the loss of the sense of taste and smell for about two months. The senses were only fully recovered from March to April. The seminary currently runs all their classes online.
The situation in Medan is still quite serious, under red alert. Hendra shared about a Chinese student named Su Beity who also suffered from Covid-19 and is in a serious condition.. She is taking Master of Christian Education in his seminary and currently is also suffering from fibrosis on her lungs due to Covid-19. Please keep Su Beity in prayers for her recovery.
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Posted by aitee on June 17, 2021 · Leave a Comment

”If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” – James 1:5, ESV
We have a perfect Father in Heaven who creates, knows, and grants us the best for our lives so that we can bring glory to Him. As we are beset by a world still grappling from multiple waves of Covid-19, O Lord, bestow upon us Your wisdom and guidance to live wisely and serve faithfully to glorify You.