The Significant Woman – Partners in Ministry Online Course

The Significant Woman (Online)
LF411, 2 Credits
Mondays, 1.00 pm-3.00 pm (18 July–5 September)

As a woman, would you like to learn how to live a life of significance?  No matter what season of life you are in, this course is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, become aware of who God created you to be, discover and do what He has called you to do. Read more

All things connect together for good in PIM


With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, safety measures have made it necessary for Partners in Ministry (PIM) courses to be offered online. The scope of PIM’s online reach has thus expanded to Asia and beyond. This provides opportunities to impact more with its mission to equip wives of men in full-time ministry or bi-vocational ministry to grow in partnership with their husbands in the Lord’s work. Praise God!

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Partners in Ministry eOpen House


EAST Partners-in-Ministry (PIM) Program headed by Mrs Margaret Chan and supported by PIM Faculty like Mrs Agnes Liong, Mrs Yao Eng Meng and Mrs Josephine Li held its inaugural eOpen House on 10 May. A total of 29 participants with past PIM Alumni and potential students were in attendance. The alumni who attended shared how the PIM Program had benefitted them in their lives and ministries. The potential students were able to ask questions in a more intimate setting through 5 breakout sessions in smaller groups over Zoom and find out more details of the PIM Program.

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Partners In Ministry (PIM) Course

Becoming What God Intended [For Wives Only] (Concurrent)
LF400, 3 Credits
Mondays: 1.00 pm-3.00 pm

This is a course that looks at Scriptures to understand the need for us to become what God intended for us at creation.  It takes an in-depth look at what has gone wrong with the human race since the Fall. It then looks at what God has done to bring about what He intended for us – A New Creation in Christ.  The process of learning includes both head knowledge and heart involvement so that lessons learned can be integrated and lived out in the learner’s life.

(Concurrent courses are held both onsite and online simultaneously. Credit students who are Singapore residents can only take the course onsite. Audit students can choose either onsite or online.)


Margaret Chan, MABS, has been a staff with Cru Singapore since 1975, and ministered to high school and polytechnic students, and wives of executives.  Margaret is married to Chan Chong Hiok, the President of EAST; they have two adult sons, Joshua and Joel.



This class may be taken for free from tuition fees by audit students under the GLO@EAST promotion (S$40 registration fee payable). Registration deadline is Friday, 9 July 2021.

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Alumni Updates from Ukhrul, Manipur


EAST alumni Asung Pharung and Nim Muivah graduated in May 2019 with a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies and Partners in Ministry Certificate respectively. They have since returned to life in a small town, Ukhrul, Manipur, Northeast India with a population of 92,000 people. Just last Saturday, the Pharungs welcomed their third child, a newborn baby girl named Selah Pharung on 16 Jan 2021. Life has indeed been full and fruitful for them.

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