
周六,3 月 22 日至 5 月 10 日,上午 10:00 至下午 12:30


注册截止日期为 2024 年 12 月 31 日(星期二)

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每周一,1 月 13 日至 3 月 10 日,晚上 7:00 至 9:30


注册截止日期为 2024 年 12 月 31 日(星期二)

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Growing as a Married Couple at EAST


How would you like both your spouse and yourself to be growing together as you undergo theological education?

Hear from Rev Liong Kwok Wai and his wife Agnes Liong, as they have experienced much holistic growth as they studied at EAST. Kwok Wai is the EAST Dean of Academics and Agnes directs the EAST Partners in Ministry (Chinese) program.

If you are a married couple, do consider studying at EAST because the school greatly value the development of the spouse and that of the family. Click on the video here to hear from them. Then do consider going to the EAST Open House 2024 and learn more. Remember to visit the Partners in Ministry (PIM) portion of the Open House and learn how can the wives of husbands who are seminary students or Christian ministers benefit from the PIM program.

Come for the EASTperience when you join the EAST Open House 2024 either online on 3 February, 9:30 am, or onsite on 7 February, 10:30 am.


Inaugural Partners-in-Ministry Chinese Program


Equipping the most important partner of Chinese ministers and Christian workers

EAST launched the Chinese online program of the Partners in Ministry (PIM) in July 2023 to meet the equipping needs of Mandarin-speaking wives of men who are ministers, Christian workers, and seminary students. EAST News caught up Mrs Agnes Liong to find out more on the progress of the program and students.

“I started attending church with my mother when I was just 5 years old, but I truly received Christ as my Lord when I was 15 and was passionate about sharing the gospel with others. Hence, at 16, I started serving full-time and brought the good news to different places. After being married, we decided I would work to support the family and his ministry so he could serve God full-time. However, I wanted to study and be more equipped so that I can serve alongside my husband better,” a student wrote in her application for the Chinese PIM program.

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