The Cross Brings Peace
The cross is the symbol of Christianity.
The cross is displayed prominently on almost every church. Christians often wear it and display it in their homes and when you see the cross you assume that it signifies something Christian. What exactly does this Christian symbol mean though? Most people recognize that the cross looks backward to the death and resurrection of Jesus. While there are many aspects of the cross and Jesus’ work on the cross, it mainly represents peace for Christians. The cross brings peace into the lives of all believers. This may come across as a strange thing, because the cross was originally an ugly instrument on which men were hung to die. Yet today, for the Christian, this former instrument of death and torture means peace.
Peace is something that we all need. We have only to look at the news to recognize that our world is constantly in a state of strife. Nations are fighting against one another, men and women are scheming to defraud each other, many things are not as they should be. We do not even need to look beyond ourselves to recognize this: each of us has an inward sense that things are not quite right. We cannot control ourselves. Even at our best, we are still lacking. We have a sense that things should be better than they are.
Peace and security in the Lord
John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Spoken during the Last Supper, this verse is Jesus comforting his disciples after telling them he will be betrayed and die. His disciples, understandably distraught, are asking him many questions about what to do after he leaves and what guidance they will have. Jesus assures them that he will not be leaving them unprepared, stating also in verse John 14:26 that “the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
Obedience in God in Christ by the Holy Spirit, can bring us some control over our feelings. Humans are often shackled to their emotions but Jesus tells us that through the Holy Spirit, we can bring peace to ourselves, even in difficult times.
Do not be anxious, find peace in God
Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Similar to Matthew 6:25, Peter echos Jesus’ instructions to not be anxious about anything. Turn to God for everything; from the clothes we wear, the food we eat. In prayer, bring Him all our thanksgiving and requests.
Today, EAST held our first eOpen House and moments before going live, we encountered some technical difficulties. While we figured out the problem, the anxiety and panic began to build. At this moment, we prayed for God to be with us and if he willed it, to help us execute this eOpen House to the best of our ability. The problem was resolved, and the eOpen House was carried out and completed smoothly.
Sometimes, it will be difficult to stop ourselves from feeling anxious. It is very human to panic in the face of uncertainty. This verse from Paul and Jesus’ words in Matthew reminds us to stop constantly looking forward and around us during these times and instead look up, and find peace in our God who will guard our hearts and minds.