New Testament Overview (Concurrent PIM Day Course)

New Testament Overview (NT412, 1 Credit, Concurrent)
21 March – 25 April 2022, Mondays, 1.00 pm-3.00 pm

A Partners-in-Ministry course for women who are wives: Designed to provide an overview of the New Testament so students develop a greater understanding of the life of Christ, the early Church, and the apostles’ teaching about Christian life and practice.

Course limited to women who are wives.

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Spiritual Formation at Home (Online PIM Day Course)

Spiritual Formation at Home (LF433, 2 Credits, Online)
10 January – 7 March 2022, Mondays: 1.00 pm-3.00 pm

A Partners-in-Ministry course for women who are wives: Seeks to encourage and equip parents with a growing awareness of their children’s development and to learn how to attend to their spiritual formation and discipleship needs. The prevalent influence of the social media/gadgets and its implications on children’s formation and discipleship will also be discussed. Based on the biblical and theological perspectives, the participants will learn creative ways to help their children create a formative space to connect with God, their family and others in a spiritual community.

Course limited to women who are wives.

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All things connect together for good in PIM


With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, safety measures have made it necessary for Partners in Ministry (PIM) courses to be offered online. The scope of PIM’s online reach has thus expanded to Asia and beyond. This provides opportunities to impact more with its mission to equip wives of men in full-time ministry or bi-vocational ministry to grow in partnership with their husbands in the Lord’s work. Praise God!

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Wife of a Leader

Rev Liong Kwok Wai and wife Award Recipient Agnes Lim Chiao Minn


Agnes Lim, 48, is passionate about winning, building and developing women, especially wives of Christian leaders.

The Singapore Cru staff’s convictions grew from more than 20 years of ministry experience on the National University of Singapore, her alma mater, and the mission field.

As a missionary for ten years with her husband, Rev Liong Kwok Wai (EAST’S Academic Dean), Agnes has ministered to singles, wives of pastors and leaders, professionals as well as homemakers. As a member of the regional women’s team, she helped organize conferences to minister to women missionaries, church-planters, and lay leaders.

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Partners in Ministry eOpen House


EAST Partners-in-Ministry (PIM) Program headed by Mrs Margaret Chan and supported by PIM Faculty like Mrs Agnes Liong, Mrs Yao Eng Meng and Mrs Josephine Li held its inaugural eOpen House on 10 May. A total of 29 participants with past PIM Alumni and potential students were in attendance. The alumni who attended shared how the PIM Program had benefitted them in their lives and ministries. The potential students were able to ask questions in a more intimate setting through 5 breakout sessions in smaller groups over Zoom and find out more details of the PIM Program.

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