God is Our Deliverer
A song based on Psalm 91 to remind us TODAY that the Lord is our only refuge, our tower of strength, and our safety amidst this challenging season.
To hear the song, click the picture below.
Design by Blessed Ong.
New Testament Found in the Old
The study of Genesis to Esther, through the Old Testament Narratives course, highlights that the God of the Old Testament is the same God we worship today. It has been said that “The New Testament is concealed in the Old, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New.” Many themes we find in the New Testament have their roots in the history of Israel.
The students in the class appreciated the unfolding drama of God’s redemptive plan for man. Dr Jeremy Chew, the class teacher, taught how each book advances God’s plan to raise up a chosen people and a holy nation. Indeed the New is found in the Old.
Photo courtesy of Michael Tien.