To Whom Do We Fix Our Eyes?

These are days where we fix our eyes onto the Sovereign Lord,
as He brings us through seasons of change as the Lord who remains Sovereign.

See below for a worship song which encourages us to look to our faithful God.

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Happy Mother’s Day!


To all beloved mothers in our lives – biological, adoptive and spiritual, Happy Mother’s Day! You are well described in Proverbs 31:28-30 (NIV):

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

We thank God for your unconditional love in our lives.

#EASTLifestyle #MothersDay

Artwork by Blessed Ong

Safe in the Potter’s Hands

Design by Blessed Ong

“Yet still, Yahweh, you are our Father.
We are like clay and you are our Potter.
Each one of us is the creative, artistic work of your hands.”
~ Isaiah 64:8 (TPT)

In such a time and at any time, we are safe and secure in the Potter’s hands. His loving hands seek to shape our hearts to reflect that of Christ especially when we face difficulties and challenges.


Mindset of Hope in Crisis

At an online Chapel organised by the EAST Student Council on 25 March 2020, the President of EAST, Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok or CCH as he is also known, spoke on “Mindset of Hope in Crisis.” He was on Zoom being broadcasted online to listeners who were observing safe distancing.

In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, he spoke words of hope and encouragement to all present online. Quoting from Habakkuk 3, he exhorted all to continue trusting the LORD amidst challenging situations. The LORD is everpresent in our midst, and we can rejoice in Him. He also referred to Psalm 91 where the faithfulness of God is truly our shield and rampart in times of need. As we meditate on His Word, we will discover afresh that He is indeed our refuge.

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Season of Lent: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent which is 46 days away from Easter (or Resurrection) Sunday. In the Bible, the use of ashes symbolized the frailty of humanity, mourning, and repentance (e.g. Genesis 3:19; Job 42:5,6; Matthew 11:21). The season of Lent is a 40-day period, excluding Sundays, as a time of fasting, reflection, and repentance, and capped by celebration on Resurrection Sunday. The 40-day period is significant as it reflects Christ’s wilderness experience, where he fasted and was tempted by Satan. Christians see Lent as intentional setting aside of time for fasting, reflecting on and identifying with the life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Design: Blessed Ong

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