Only One Life


The above song “Only One Life” (as composed by Lanny Wolfe in 1973) was inspired by the poem that Charles Thomas Studd (1860-1931) wrote. C. T. Studd is a member of the so-called Cambridge Seven who gave their lives to Christ and His missions. May its timeless message and perspective resonates in our hearts daily. Read and ponder the poem:

“Only One Life” by C. T. Studd

Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
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Will You Simply Walk Away?


This article looks back on one hand, to the beginning of time at a “most horrible and depressing day” and on the other hand, to the fulfillment of God’s promises which is the good news. Written by Dr Mona Bias, a resident faculty in biblical studies at East Asia School of Theology, it is meant to make us contemplate our relationship with the living God during this Lent season.

The 40 days of Lent 2025 begins on 5 March, Ash Wednesday and ends on 17 April, Maundy Thursday. This is then followed by Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Resurrection Sunday. Traditionally, and during this season, Christians around the world commemorate the events leading up to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As such it is a time for self-examination and spiritual inventory accompanied by prayer, fasting, repentance, and giving.

The Fulfillment of Ancient Promises – Tetélestai

Tetélestai is a Greek term from the word teleo, which can mean “to fulfill,” “to complete,” “to end.” In the context of John 19:30, tetélestai means “it is completed” or “it is paid in full.” What is completed or paid in full? Kindly read on to find the answer to this important question.

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Lenten Devotional by Dr Alvin Tey


What Is Lent?

The season of Lent is the period of 40 days before Easter. The word Lent is derived from the Old English word “lencten’ meaning springtime or spring, and also from the West Germanic word “langitinaz” meaning long-days or the lengthening of the day[1]. As suggested by its root words, the season of Lent not only coincides with the season of spring in the northern hemisphere, but it also signifies a period of spiritual renewal after death or after long days in the spiritual wilderness.

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Blessed Good Friday 2023

Design: Blessed Ong


“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5 ESV

“It is finished!” said Jesus as he breathed his last and gave up his spirit (John 19:30). This final act showed in stark relief how he willingly and unflinchingly took on the entire weight of all our sins upon himself as the sacrificial lamb of God after he had completed all the prophetic tasks required of him as the incarnate Christ.

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Prayer Pointers 6 April 2023


How do you know that Jesus is in your life?

“Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” John 6:53 – ESV

Come, invite Him into your life, partake in the privileges of friendship, to eat and drink together.

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