A human misunderstanding of divine purposes
“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
This is Job’s response to God declaring his power and authority in Job 41. He submits to God’s sovereignty and penitently despising himself for his earlier words. Job had made assumptions about his situation while lacking information and understanding of God’s ways and purposes.
Often, we can look at a situation we are in and try and make sense of it using our imperfect, human, understanding of God’s will. Job’s mistake is a lesson to us not to draw our own conclusions about God’s purposes but rather submit to Him wholeheartedly with utmost faith.
Webinar: 约伯.苦难.疫情
Organised by Cru Singapore and presented by East Asia School of Theology, a Mandarin webinar on “Job, Suffering and COVID-19” was conducted on 4 June 2020. The speaker was Rev Estella Liu, a Resident Faculty of EAST. Please view the video of the webinar above.
中文教会的弟兄姐妹们,平安。新加坡学园传道会于六月四日傍晚举办了一个网络研讨会,主题是 “约伯.苦难.新 冠疫情”。与东亚神学院携手举办,这网络研讨会将探索如何从经文中学习应对人生苦难的心境与态度。
想更了解如何有个正面的生活方针,请前往 https://xinshengming.com/
Webinar: Job, Suffering, and Covid-19 | 约伯.苦难.疫情
A Mandarin webinar organised by Cru Singapore and presented by East Asia School of Theology.
Topic: Job, Suffering and COVID-19
Speaker: Rev Estella Liu, ThM, Resident Lecturer, EAST
Date: 4 June 2020, 8:30-9:45pm
For more information and free registration: cru.sg/covid6
中文教会的弟兄姐妹们,平安。新加坡学园传道会于六月四日 傍晚与您有约!
事不宜迟,赶紧分享,或点击以下链接即可报名参与!(参与者须预先登录 Zoom 账户)
报名参与: cru.sg/covid6