Cru Singapore’s 50th Anniversary – His Story, His Glory
2022 is a milestone year for both Cru Singapore and EAST. On 17 September, Cru Singapore held a celebratory event at Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church to mark her 50th anniversary celebrations and saw about 400 people gathering together for a time of worship, prayer, message, photo-taking at a photo-booth, and food (snack boxes were distributed and coffees made available to go with the pastries). Guests who arrived were treated to a keepsake coffee table book of over 50 stories titled “His Story, His Glory”. It is a collection of stories from the lives of Cru Singapore staff, disciples and volunteers from the pioneers, the present and even the past (one specially penned by Chan Chong Hiok on behalf of Chen Hui Lin, leader of Media Ministry for many years, who has gone back to the Lord).
Below are thoughts from an EAST staff, a faculty spouse and an alumnus who were present at the event. May their sharing give you a glimpse of the day’s festivities.
Run the Race to Win – Rick Langston @Homecoming
How does one complete the race of life and emerge victorious in the eyes of God?
In his inimitable style, Dr Rick Langston told the story of failure of some and the success of others in the marathon of life. Drawing from his deep understanding of God’s Word and a rich lifetime of ministry, he exhorts each of us to run the race… and WIN! Then he outlines a biblical strategy for us to do so… answering the HOW it can be done.
A devotional from Dr Rick Langston recorded at Naples, Florida. This was addressed to all alumni, staff, and faculty present at the inaugural EAST Homecoming Retreat 2017 on the first day of the retreat, 11 May 2017. The devotional speak of longevity in faithfully discharging God’s call to serve Him faithfully in integrity all the days of our lives. According to Apostle Paul, the success in the race of life and ministry is not due to the runner’s speed–how fast–but on how we run it.
Rick is the founding faculty of EAST when it started in 1992 and continued in various leadership roles while teaching as a Resident Faculty. He was the Associate Dean of Academics when he and Laurel left Singapore for ministry back in the US. He is currently an EAST Adjunct Faculty. He and Laurel are much loved by many students and faculty/staff that they ministered with over the years at EAST. We praise God for their lives and ministry over the years and their continuing ministry beyond EAST.
Video courtesy of Rick Langston.
EAST Alumni Association Launched
The EAST Alumni Association was launched during the Alumni Retreat 2017 in Singapore, as part of the inaugural EAST Homecoming (10 – 14 May 2017). In the presence of alumni, students, faculty and staff, the Alumni Chaplain designate, Mr Lim Aik Ghee, shared his passion to see alumni being networked, resourced, and developed multi-laterally beyond graduation. (Aik Ghee graduated the next day at the EAST 23rd Commencement Service and is thus an alumnus as well.) An international voluntary pro tem committee of alumni was then set-up to begin defining the purpose and process toward the formation of an inaugural committee. Please uphold this process in prayer and look out for updates in the not-too-distant future!

Mr Lim Aik Ghee inaugurating the Alumni Association
Photo courtesy of Nelson Lo.
Homecoming Dinner 2017
The first EAST Homecoming Dinner 2017 saw some 80 alumni, faculty and staff, Cru Singapore leaders, and Board members gathered together. We praise God for the time of refreshed fellowship, rekindling of vision, and an opportunity to give toward the setting up of the EAST Alumni Association. We are thankful that the well-loved Dr Rick and Laurel Langston greeted all through video. The next two days after the Dinner was the Alumni Retreat 2017, another first! Hallelujah!
Photo of alumni gathered courtesy of Tan Ying Kheng.