Holy Saturday – The Significance

Design by Wong Ee Yuing
Holy Saturday is the name given to the day between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. In today’s #SaturdayGoodRead, we have picked out two blogposts related to the significance of Holy Saturday.
In the first blog titled What is Holy Saturday?, it clarifies what actually happened that day – how after the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ, the body was laid in a new tomb. If Jesus had not resurrected at all, our faith in Him would have been in vain (1 Corinthians 15:17). That first Holy Saturday was also the day where Jesus had “rested” from His work of salvation on the cross where he had proclaimed, “It is finished!” Scripture told us of that first Resurrection Sunday when Jesus arose from his physical death. Holy Saturday is therefore seen as a day of quiet contemplation as God’s people silently anticipate and await the celebration of the Risen King on Resurrection Sunday.