Inter College Games 2016

Ready… Set… ACTION! There goes EAST at the Inter College Games 2016. Inter College Games 2016

Five events. Four seminaries. Four times the fun. Five times the opportunity to display Christianly sportsmanship! Healthy Competition, Healthy Christians!

Photos courtesy of Magdalene Set, Tan Ying Kheng, and Guia Karla Gonzales.


Catch and relive the excitement at the Captain’s Ball event during the Inter College Games 2016 last week. The match was between Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS) and East Asia School of Theology (EAST). Watch the exciting 3 mins video.

Video courtesy of Jaclyn Ng.

Captain Ball Practice

Staff and students are practicing hard in preparation for the Inter-Collegiate Game (ICG) coming up on 4 March 2016!

Come join us at the ICG 2016 and support the EAST team!

Greek Tools and Methods

The Greek Tools and Methods course equips Bible students to dig deep using biblical language yet with a gentler learning curve.  The teacher, Dr. Rob MacEwen, has other academic interests as well which include the Synoptic Gospels and the relationships between Acts and Paul’s letters.

Photo courtesy of Jonathan Yao
Greek T&M

Dr. MacEwen, formerly a missionary, has just published an academic book, “Matthean Posteriority: An Exploration of Matthew’s Use of Mark and Luke as a Solution to the Synoptic Problem,” which is available from

Join EAST and discover Faculty who are scholarly practitioners: or

Building on the Foundation of Christ

Dr. Andrew Spurgeon, a visiting faculty, spoke at the recent Chapel on a firm balance in building on the foundation of Christ (1 Corinthians 3). Chapel is oft a great time of worship, the Word, and regathering of the community faith in fellowship at EAST.  Praise God for the privilege!

chapel service
Photos courtesy of Tan Ying Kheng and Jonathan Yao

Building Spiritual Movements

Most Christians wants to be effective witnesses and spiritual multipliers but never quite know how to go about it. The course teacher, Ms. Janice Chuang, taught an effective and practical approach in building Spirit-filled multipliers by following Jesus’ example and strategy.

spiritual movement
Photo courtesy of Guia Karla Gonzales

“Amazing how God changed my heart and mind regarding evangelism through my lecturer and classmates!” — Guia Gonzales, an EAST student.

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