eOpen House 2023

Left to Right: Rev Liong Kwok Wai, Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok, Dr Jeannette Shubert, Ms Anj Pantaleon, Mr Amos Chew. Photo: Jonathan Yao. Design: Blessed Ong.
The annual EAST eOpen House was held on 18 Feb 2023 as an opportunity for both local and international potential students to interact with students and faculty online and find out more in their area of interest.
At the opening plenary, Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok (EAST President), Rev Liong Kwok Wai (Academics Dean), Dr Jeannette Shubert (Associate Academics Dean) together with two student MCs Anj Pantaleon (in MDiv Christian Ministry program) and Amos Chew (in MA Leadership program) interacted over the educational values and vision of EAST and its impact on the students. Dr Chan shared about EAST’s heart, head, hands, and the Holy Spirit as a holistic model of education. Dr Jeannette used a pair of chopsticks to illustrate the dual emphases of academic rigour and practical application as the desired integrated development of the whole person at EAST. See bottom for video of the plenary where the above were discussed and more. Read more
Invitation to an EASTperience!
Interested to meet the EAST community? What is the EASTperience?
Join our eOpen House happening this Saturday, 18 Feb 2023, at 9:30 am (Singapore time).
Register here for the #EASTperience: www.east.ac/welcome
The above video was produced by Tan Eng Kwang.
EAST eOpen House 2023
EAST eOpen House | 18 February 2023 | 9.30am SGT (open until 12.00 pm)
Have you been considering taking Bible classes or doing seminary studies, but are unsure about what to expect? Come for the interactive EAST eOpen House 2023 to find out more!
You can personalise your online exploration by joining any of the 6 electives (study disciplines) in 20-minute chunks, or enter any of the lounges to ask questions on student life, mentoring, admissions, immigration or academic matters. There’s also an information wall to satisfy your fact-finding needs. Join us online for the #EASTperience!
This is a resource page where you can find out more about EAST!
At EAST, our degree programs allow for varied specialisations or disciplines in the following areas: Biblical Studies, Christian Ministry, Inter Cultural Studies, Leadership, Teaching and Exposition, and Theological Studies. For more information on each of the programs with the above academic disciplines, click here.
For information on courses offered, commencement magazine, and stewardship report, view them as flipbooks here.
To visit EAST official video channels on YouTube and Vimeo, do check out the links at the bottom of this page.
Enjoy the video and other resources offered on this page!
“We Welcome YOU to EAST eOpen House 2021!”
“Our Vision, Mission, Values – Go EAST!”
Here are the links to EAST official video channels on YouTube and Vimeo. Do check them out!
EAST eOpen House 2021
EAST eOpen House | 17 March 2021 | 10:00am to 11:30am
Have you been considering seminary studies, but are unsure about what to expect? Come for the interactive EAST eOpen House to find out! Register here.
Join us over zoom to participate in an address from our President, a virtual tour of our brand-new campus, and discussion rooms with our lecturers, current students and alumni about the EAST learning experience!
EAST is a missional seminary which aims to develop Christ-like leaders for the Great Commission.