Meet at the Well

Meet our Valedictorian Jasmine Lee Wan Shan, 36, from the recent 28th Commencement. She worships at Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church and has graduated with a Master of Divinity in Christian Ministry.

Four years ago, Jasmine Lee and ladies in her cell group started a “Meet At The Well” ministry, which gathers believers from different churches for friendship and fellowship in the Word.

“The program centers around conversations that concern singles, within an informal setting of food, games and spiritual encouragement,” says Jasmine.

In a way, Jasmine’s stop at EAST has also been a “meet at the well” for her.

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Journeying in EAST as Families & Couples


Many of our students at EAST are married, and quite a few are in Singapore as international students with their families. Going through the EAST learning journey as a couple/family enriches our students’ seminary experience and allows their families to grow together as a community.

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I am the God that healeth thee

While we journey through this season of the pandemic, this is a time to recognise God as Jehovah Rapha who heals us.

The words of the song go like this:
I am the God that healeth thee, I am the Lord your healer
I send My word, and I heal your disease, I am the Lord your healer

You are the God that healeth me, You are the Lord my healer
You send your word, and you healed my disease, You are the Lord my healer

God said to the people of Israel, “I, the LORD, am your healer.” (Exodus 15:26)
This is God telling His people of His identity and His nature as the God who brings healing to His people.

Even when the pain and discomfort of our illnesses seem too much for us to bear, this remains unchanged:
I am the God that healeth thee, I am the Lord your healer.

Be blessed, and be healed, in Jesus’ name.



Starting 2022!

Our first week of the January 2022 semester was a welcome for our new students and a time of gathering as Mentoring Groups to start off this new season.

As a community, It was good to see each other again after the December holidays, and we appreciated getting to start the semester with intentional times for Mentoring Groups to gather. This is one way our new students get connected with everyone in the wider EAST community, and with the fellow students journeying alongside within the same Mentoring Groups. The EAST community is where we rally around each other in fellowship, prayer and encouragement. 

We give thanks for our community in school and continue to walk with each other in the semester ahead. 

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New Beginnings: Adjunct Faculty Ng Khim Fatt

Adjunct Faculty Ng Khim Fatt with his wife Chan Wei Har

EAST Alumnus Ng Khim Fatt graduated with a Master of Divinity in Teaching and Exposition in 2016 and his wife Wei Har graduated with a similar degree in 2018. Khim Fatt recently joined EAST as an Adjunct Faculty and will be teaching an evening course on the Exposition of Matthew this semester.

After Khim Fatt’s graduation from EAST, he felt the conviction to pursue further studies in a ThM in New Testament Studies at Trinity Theological College as he wanted to fulfill God’s calling in his life to reach out and equip Christian workers. He felt that teaching with EAST Extension Centers (EECs) aligned with his God’s call upon his life and just before the Covid-19 pandemic started, he had the opportunity to teach a New Testament Narratives class in South Asia through the EECs. During the pandemic, Khim Fatt was able to teach New Testament Foundation and co-teach Greek online for the EECs, in Mandarin even.

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