EAST Express Tabao Theology Podcast: How to suffer well


How does one have hope amidst trials?

Suffering is experienced by every person who has ever lived or is living on earth. In this episode of EAST EXPRESS Tabao Theology podcast, Rev Jacob Li, Dr Lewis Winkler, and Ms Anj Pantaleon sought biblical and theological responses to the questions on suffering together with personal and practical responses to issues pertinent to Christians & non-Christians today.

The podcast brings us to examine how as Christians, we fall back on the example of Christ who suffered for the hope set before Him of God’s greater glory ahead. Moreover, we have the comfort of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us as we go through various challenges on earth.

Do visit the links below to either view or listen to the podcast in video or audio format.

EAST YouTube video podcast: www.east.ac/podcast-video

EAST Spotify audio podcast: www.east.ac/podcast-audio

Graduands’ Testimonies

Left: Japheth Chew, Right: Lee Poh Chin (EAST Graduands 2023)


EAST News (EN) had an opportunity to have a chat with both Japheth Chew (JC) and Lee Poh Chin (PC), both of whom will graduate on 20 May 2023. Japheth came to EAST in December 2021 from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, to pursue a Graduate Diploma. During his studies, he has also served as the EAST Student Council Vice President and worshipped at Cornerstone Community Church. Poh Chin, a Singaporean, has served in the education sector for a few decades, both locally and overseas, before starting an EAST Master of Arts program in July 2020. She currently worships at Covenant Evangelical Free Church and was a core-team leader of the Hillington Green Covenant Group (CG) before it went back to on-site meetings.

Below is an extract of the short interview done with both of them by Tan Eng Kwang (Associate Dean of Advancement) regarding their experiences at EAST.

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Clare’s EASTperience


A day before my flight to Singapore, I questioned myself again “Is this what God wants me to do? Did I make the right decision to go to Singapore for my theological education?” Just as always, God spoke to me through His word and I am assured that this is His next step and direction for me.

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EAST Homecoming Reunion 2022

Over 120 alumni, faculty, staff and children attended the Homecoming Reunion in celebration of EAST’s 30th anniversary on 18 Nov 2022.


I graduated in 2002 with a Master of Divinity when EAST was at Dorset Road. I remembered fondly my time there: together with school friends, we either had meals at Cambridge market (‘Hokkien mee’ or seafood soup) or at KK Hospital. Upon graduation, I lost contact with EAST and most of my school mates. It was only in 2017, when I joined EAST Alumni Relations Office, I was back in the loop with some alumni. I managed to compile the database of every EAST alumni. But many of the alumni that I have been writing prayer emails to were just names to me. During the pandemic, I got to see some of them during the Alumni Zoom meetings. A week before the Homecoming Reunion, I managed to meet up with some alumni who visited EAST. I was able to meet up with Sufen (Taiwan) after 20 years. I met Baataraa (Mongolia) and Timothy Saw (Myanmar) when they came to visit EAST during the last chapel.

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EAST 30th Anniversary Reflections


I graduated from EAST in 2018 with a Master in Divinity where fond memories remain of the campus in 1 Dorset Road. I came to EAST expecting to arm myself with theological training but God had more in mind for me – EAST equipped me to grow in head, heart and hands. 

At EAST, learning is imbued in every facet of the student life not only in the class but outside the walls of the classroom. There is emphasis on the application of head knowledge distilled through the heart. I am grateful to the teachers who made every effort to teach with passion and conviction that caused learning to take place. I am blessed to have thoroughly enjoyed every subject in my course. Indeed, EAST plays a significant role in equipping their students to become holistic practitioners in the field. 

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