New Beginnings: Adjunct Faculty Ng Khim Fatt
Posted by eeyuing on January 8, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Adjunct Faculty Ng Khim Fatt with his wife Chan Wei Har
EAST Alumnus Ng Khim Fatt graduated with a Master of Divinity in Teaching and Exposition in 2016 and his wife Wei Har graduated with a similar degree in 2018. Khim Fatt recently joined EAST as an Adjunct Faculty and will be teaching an evening course on the Exposition of Matthew this semester.
After Khim Fatt’s graduation from EAST, he felt the conviction to pursue further studies in a ThM in New Testament Studies at Trinity Theological College as he wanted to fulfill God’s calling in his life to reach out and equip Christian workers. He felt that teaching with EAST Extension Centers (EECs) aligned with his God’s call upon his life and just before the Covid-19 pandemic started, he had the opportunity to teach a New Testament Narratives class in South Asia through the EECs. During the pandemic, Khim Fatt was able to teach New Testament Foundation and co-teach Greek online for the EECs, in Mandarin even.
Filed under Newsletter · Tagged with #eastalumni, #EASTCommunity, #EASTLifestyle, EASTadjunctfaculty, EastExtensionCenters, Exposition of Matthew, Greek, Holy Land Study Tour, Laws and commandments, MDivTE, New Testament