Theology 2 (Day Course)

TS511 Theology 2 (3 Credits)

Wednesdays: 9.00 am-11.15 am & Thursdays 2.00 pm-3.00 pm, 9 January to 5 May 2017

What does the Bible teach about humanity, sin, salvation, the church, and end times? This course examines each of those doctrines. It is intended to help students grow in their own biblical convictions and understanding of the Christian faith through a systematic study of theology.

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Lewis Winkler, PhD
Lewis joined Cru in 1987 and has taught in three seminaries in the USA and Asia. He enjoys interacting with students over basketball and casual discussion on how the Bible applies to life and issues today. He and his wife, Barbara, have three adult children.


Registration deadline is Friday, 16 December 2016. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2016/2017 Second semester courses (January-May 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST (FEAST) Promotion!

Old Testament Narratives (Day Course)

OT510 Old Testament Narratives (3 Credits)

Tuesdays: 2.00 pm-5.30 pm, 9 January to 5 May 2017

The study of Genesis to Esther highlights that the God of the Old Testament is the same God we worship today. It has been said that “The New Testament is concealed in the Old, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New.” Many themes we find in the New Testament have their roots in the history of Israel. This study will help the student appreciate the unfolding drama of God’s redemptive plan for man. Each book advances God’s plan to raise up a chosen people and a holy nation.  Pre-requisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics.

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Yee Chin Hong, PhD

Chin Hong received his PhD in Theological Studies (Old Testament concentration) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA). On staff with Cru Singapore, he used to serve among the campus students. He is excited about equipping others for Old Testament studies through the acquisition and use of Biblical Hebrew. He and his wife, Lishan, have two daughters.

Registration deadline is Friday, 16 December 2016. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2016/2017 Second semester courses (January-May 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST (FEAST) Promotion!

New Testament Epistles and Revelation (Day Course)

NT511 New Testament Epistles and Revelation (3 Credits)

Thursdays: 9.00 am-12.45 pm, 9 January to 5 May 2017

An in-depth look at challenges the first century churches struggled with, such as false teachings and persecutions. We will gain insights into the Epistles and Revelation and learn how to apply them to our lives today.  Pre-requisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics.

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Amy Lau, ThM
Amy Lau graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, and has taught Bible and theological classes since 2002. She served on the pastoral team at St. John’s and St. Margaret’s Church before joining EAST as a full-time faculty. Amy is a creative teacher who challenges her students to interact with God’s Word critically.


Registration deadline is Friday, 16 December 2016. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2016/2017 Second semester courses (January-May 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST (FEAST) Promotion!

Exposition of Daniel (Day Course)

BS543A/BS543 Exposition of Daniel (2 Credits/3 Credits)

Fridays: 2.00 pm-4.30 pm, 9 January to 5 May 2017

The book of Daniel is absolutely essential to understanding the entire Old Testament prophetic program as well as studies on end times and Revelation. This course will also focus on the nature and character of God and His dealings with mankind. Study on the man Daniel, his life, his devotion and relevance to today’s world will also be addressed.

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Toe Set, ThM

Toe Set has served with Cru in New Zealand, Myanmar, and Singapore among university student ministries, and in training of full-time workers and lay leaders. He has taught biblical Hebrew at EAST and other seminaries in Singapore and Myanmar. He is married to Magdalene and they have two adult children.


Registration deadline is Friday, 16 December 2016. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2016/2017 Second semester courses (January-May 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST (FEAST) Promotion!

Exposition of Hebrews (Evening Course)

NT551A/NT551 Exposition of Hebrews (2 Credits/3 Credits)

Tuesdays: 7.00 pm-9.15 pm, 9 January to 5 May 2017

An expositional study of the Book of Hebrews, with special attention to issues of epistolary literature, linguistic development, the historical and cultural setting during the Roman Empire, Christology, and the grand themes of biblical theology.

Keith Shubert, PhD

Keith is a staff member of Cru for 43 years, has ministered in more than 30 countries, and served as resident or adjunct faculty for four seminaries in Asia and the USA. He lived in Israel for three years while completing a Master’s degree in Historical Geography of Ancient Israel.


Registration deadline is Friday, 16 December 2016. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2016/2017 Second semester courses (January-May 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST (FEAST) Promotion!

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