Inter College Games 2017

What do five seminaries with diverse theological backgrounds have in common? The annual Inter College Games (ICG) brings these Bible schools together in fellowship and friendly competition. The recent ICG 2017 was held at Yishun Stadium with participants from Singapore Bible College, Trinity Theological College, Baptist Theological Seminary, Discipleship Training Centre, and East Asia School of Theology. Praise God!

Photos courtesy of Lau Ying Kheng and Joseph Nguyen

Friendly. Fast. Furious. Frenetic. FUN. Five words describing the atmosphere of the competitive games at the Inter College Games 2017. Here’s a short clip of the Captain’s Ball by the men and women of Trinity Theological College and East Asia School of Theology.

Video courtesy of Jaclyn Ng of EAST

Video courtesy of Carol Huang of EAST

EAST Day of Prayer 2017

How  does  one  express the need  for faith  dependence  on God  in school?   By  putting aside the activities of academia and  seeking God’s  face through prayer.  Every semester, all students, faculty, and staff spend an extended time through EAST’s Day of Prayer. The recent one was on 1 March 2017.

Photo courtesy of Joseph Nguyen

Mentoring Group Outreach

What does EAST do during the month when Valentine’s Day is celebrated? We showed God’s love in various ways. EAST Mentoring Groups (students and faculty) partnered with a church or local ministry for an afternoon/evening of outreach. These outreaches provided opportunities to share Christ’s love through personal evangelism, service projects, and meeting practical needs.

Collage courtesy of Guia Karla Gonzales

EAST Mentoring Group Retreat 2017

The  annual  EAST  Mentoring Group  (or MG)  Retreat  brings  together all the  MGs  at  the  start of the second semester which coincides with the beginning of the calendar year.  With a thematic devotional speaker, Dr Tom Roxas,  on  “Living Out Love” and time for relational bonding with others and with God, the retreat prepares the heart of God’s people for a new term of studies and ministry. Families are encouraged to come as a unit so that they too can benefit from the time.

Photos courtesy of Joseph Nguyen and TanYing Kheng

Spiritual Life and Transformation (Day Course)

TS532 Spiritual Life and Transformation (3 Credits)

Tuesdays & Fridays: 11.00 am-12.45 pm, 9 January to 5 May 2017

Many Christians are spiritually impoverished because they don’t know their identity and position in Christ. This course looks at God’s work in bringing people into a life-changing relationship with Himself. It gives biblical and practical instruction about spiritual warfare and the battle for our mind. Students will learn their authority in Christ, how to resist demonic influence and how to help people find freedom in Christ.

Lewis WINKLER 130x160
Lewis Winkler, PhD
Lewis joined Cru in 1987 and has taught in three seminaries in the USA and Asia. He enjoys interacting with students over basketball and casual discussion on how the Bible applies to life and issues today. He and his wife, Barbara, have three adult children.
casey-lok-130x160Casey Lok, DMin Studies
Casey joined Cru Singapore in 1991. His local involvement included campus ministry (9 years), missions mobilisation and missionary care (6 years). He and his wife, Siew Leng were missionaries to Japan (6 years). They have four children – Lemuel, Lisbeth, Lazary and Latricia. They worship at Bethesda Serangoon Church where he preaches, teaches, currently leads the prayer ministry and a cell group. Casey likes soccer, swimming with his children and he jogs regularly.
Victor Kwok, ThM
Victor teaches Research Writing and Bible Study Methods. Victor holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration, worked in the market place for over 30 years. Victor, together with his wife Jackie, and their three adult children worship at Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church.

Registration deadline is Friday, 16 December 2016. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2016/2017 Second semester courses (January-May 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST (FEAST) Promotion!

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