Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics (Day Course)

BS510 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics (3 credits)
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9.00 am-10.45 am, 17 July-17 November 2017

How to study the Scriptures on your own–systematically, contextually, and independently, and be surprised by how much God’s Word has in store for you as you feast on it through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Pre-requisite or concurrent with: LF500 Research and Writing for Christian Leadership.

Keith Shubert, PhD

Keith is a staff member of Cru for 43 years, has ministered in more than 30 countries, and served as resident or adjunct faculty for four seminaries in Asia and the USA. He lived in Israel for three years while completing a Master’s degree in Historical Geography of Ancient Israel.


Jacob Li, ThM 

Jacob is passionate about teaching. He holds a Master of Continuing Education (Adult Learning) from University of Calgary (Canada) and Master of Theology (Bible Exposition) from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA).  He has taught at churches, para-church ministries and seminaries in Canada, USA and Asia.


Registration deadline is Monday, 10 July 2017. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2017/2018 First semester courses (July-November 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the Two Courses Free@EAST Promotion!


Building Spiritual Movements (Day Course)

IS501 Building Spiritual Movements (3 credits)
Fridays, 9.00 am-12.45 pm, 17 July-17 November 2017

This course provides an effective and practical approach to equip you to build communities of Spirit-filled multipliers by following Jesus’ example and strategy.

Pre-requisite: IS401 Evangelism and Follow-Up Seminar.

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Janice Chuang, MDiv

Janice has served for more than 30 years in Cru Singapore and the region, and is known for her passion in evangelism, discipleship, and building leaders in spiritual movements.



Liong Kwok Wai, MDiv

Kwok Wai has been serving as a staff member of Cru Singapore for 17 years.  He has ministered among campus students, church planters and community leaders in Singapore and East Asia.  He was also involved in training full-time Christian workers and leadership development.


Registration deadline is Monday, 10 July 2017. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2017/2018 First semester courses (July-November 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the Two Courses Free@EAST Promotion!


Contextualisation (Day Course)

IS520/TS570 Contextualisation (2 credits)
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.15 am, 17 July-17 November 2017

This class will give you tools to critically contextualise both the gospel message and ministry methods and strategies so that the gospel will be planted deeply in Asian soil.

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Kwa Kiem Kiok, PhD

Kiem sits on a review board for medical research and a national level medical ethics committee.  She served for six years with Graduates’ Christian Fellowship.  She co-authors a commentary on the book of Matthew for the Asia Bible Commentary Series.


Registration deadline is Monday, 10 July 2017. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2017/2018 First semester courses (July-November 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the Two Courses Free@EAST Promotion!


Theology of Mission (Day Course)

IS540 Theology of Mission (3 credits)
Fridays, 2.00 pm-5.30 pm, 17 July-17 November 2017

Theological foundations for the global mission of the church to help you unify and integrate a wide range of theological themes in and around the issues of mission.  Issues that confront the contemporary missionary will be investigated.

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Song Tae Suk Raymond, PhD

Raymond served with Cru for 15 years in the USA and Japan (Tokyo and Osaka), and in pastoral ministry among Korean-American churches for 19 years.  He and his wife, Justine Han, also served with the Distance Education program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA).


Registration deadline is Monday, 10 July 2017. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2017/2018 First semester courses (July-November 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the Two Courses Free@EAST Promotion!


Christian Leadership Foundations (Day Course)

LF510 Christian Leadership Foundations (3 credits)
Fridays, 2.00-5.30 pm

Biblical standard of leadership, self-leadership skills and how God has uniquely designed you as a leader in areas of gifting, passion, personality, life experience and ministry opportunities. You will develop a self-care and development plan based on an holistic and informed understanding of yourself.

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Roland Tan, DMin

Roland has been involved in spiritual leadership and teaching since joining Cru Singapore (formerly Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ) over 40 years ago. He and his wife, Ying Kheng, served as missionaries in the Philippines, Korea, and Hong Kong. For ten years, he led Cru Singapore as the national leader.




Casey Lok, DMin 

Casey is a staff of Cru Singapore since 1991. He has worked with campus students, missions mobilisation, and missionary care.  He and his wife, Siew Leng were missionaries to Japan (6 years). His DMin is from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (USA).


Registration deadline is Monday, 10 July 2017. You may register online or contact us for registration form.

Click here for the 2017/2018 First semester courses (July-November 2017).

Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the Two Courses Free@EAST Promotion!


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