MG Retreat 2025
The beginning of January traditionally begins with a Mentoring Group Retreat for the EAST Community and this year was no different, except the location has shifted from Changi Village or Katong to Loyang, still in the eastern part of Singapore. The retreat was held at the Center for Performance Transformation (CPT) Training and Camp Centre. The surroundings were lush with greenery and it was by the seaside, a perfect location where one could spend an afternoon of personal reflection time and worship God.
The meat of the retreat was having Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai share from his heart with the EAST Community. The theme was “Returning to the Way of the Master”. On the first day, he spoke on “Searching for Greatness”. He shared from the text of Mark 10:35-45 where Jesus’ disciples had argued with one another about who was the greatest, It is a natural desire in all of us to want to be somebody and there is nothing wrong with that, as every single one of us is made in the image of Jesus, made in the image of God. However, Asians tend to be less straightforward about acknowledging this desire as opposed to the Westerners. Often, we have both the wrong ideas about greatness and wrong indicators for greatness. How we measure greatness may not be how the Lord measure it.
EAST Mentoring Group Retreat 2023
EAST MG (Mentoring Group) Retreat 2023
EAST held its first in-person MG Retreat in January 2023 after a hiatus of large-scale physical retreats since 2020 due to the pandemic. It was such a heart-connected time as EAST students, alumni, faculty, staff, and their family members reconnected as one large family. Together they worshipped, prayed, played, heard and discussed thematic messages, had personal retreats and just have had heart to heart fellowship.
Soul Care for Indonesian Doctoral Students

(Front row, L-R) Drs Sarinah Lo, Lau Ying Kheng, Jeannette Shubert, Rev Jonathan Yao, & Dr Ishak Wonohadidjojo. Ps Hendra Bangun (3rd Row, extreme left)
A Mentoring Group (MG) Retreat was held on 21-23 October 2022 at Medan, Indonesia for 15 doctoral-level students with the theme “Soul Care for Ministry Professionals.” It followed an in-person module by Dr Ishak Wonohadidjojo on curriculum design and development as the last module for the doctoral program coursework phase. This is part of the Asia Graduate School of Theology Alliance (AGSTA)—East Asia School of Theology (EAST) Doctor in Education (EdD) program, Indonesia. The program began in end-2020 amidst the Covid pandemic and the cohort did most of the modules online.
“Soul care is what we needed—thank you! How I wish we had MG Retreat at the start of our program. It would have better prepare us spiritually, to be more resilient, and grow in community as we seek to balance our studies and ministry over the last two years,” said retreat participants. This was the first time the cohort could gather in-person since the program began. Mentoring and transformative holistic education are the values and practices EAST brings to the AGSTA-EAST partnership for doctoral programs.