New Faculty: Dr Alvin Tey

L-R: Dr Alvin Tey, Kalene, Josiah, Natalie & Charlotte

EAST welcomes Dr Alvin Tey as our newest resident faculty! We invited him to share with us some serious, some spiritual, and some fun things about himself and his family as he joins our EAST community.

  1. Kindly share with us how you became a Christian, felt called to Christian ministry and finally, how God led you to serve at EAST.

I came from a Chinese ancestral worshipping family and became a Christian when I was 17 years old through a friend from Singapore Youth for Christ. In the years thereafter, I grew as a Christian and was discipled through the NavTeens ministry. In the small family church which I worship in, I also grew through serving in various ministries (including missions). It was through my church missions ministry that I first got acquainted with Operation Mobilisation (OM) in the early 2000s and started serving in mission trips to OM’s ministry among the Dalits (Untouchables) in South India. Read more

Testimony of New Student: Viron Kasar

From L-R: Mali Jana, Mrs Boon Aitee, Dr Joseph Khoo, Viron Kasar


Viron Kasar, a brother of EAST Alumnus Pammiyo Kasar, and a nephew of Ps Didymus Kasar has arrived in Singapore and at EAST at long last since his application even before the Covid-19 pandemic happened. Below is an interview with him where he shared his testimony.

  • How did you know about EAST?.

As I was interested in furthering my education, Uncle Ps Didymus Kasar and Brother Pammiyo Kasar suggested to me to study at EAST. I knew some EAST alumni and worked with them as interns during their time as Cross Cultural Team Internship (CCTI) Team India while I was working with Agape Outreach Ministry. However, I see EAST as providing academic and spiritual support and offering a unique perspective on Christianity that connects with Asian cultures which is critical in India.

  • What made you decide to come to EAST?

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Welcoming New Student: Dom Chen

Welcome Lunch with Dom Chen

Our new student for the second semester, Mr Dom Chen (pseudonym)  has arrived in Singapore during the Advent Season. He had wanted to study at EAST back in 2019 but at that time, Covid-19 happened and the world was in a panic mode globally.  We at EAST are as heartened as he is that he has finally made his way to Singapore and EAST after the pandemic has more or less settled down. Below is a short interview with Dom regarding how he came to know about EAST and his experience thus far. Do pray for him and his family who will soon be joining him that their years of equipping at EAST will be impactful for their lives, leading them to greater transformation in their Head, Heart, Hands by the power of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God.

1) How did you know about EAST?

First of all, Nelson Lo, currently an EAST Resident Faculty, had been my mentor for two years during my college years. We have been keeping in touch for many years, even upon graduation. I knew about EAST from him. Then, Ronald Tang (pseudonym), an EAST alumnus was our pastor. He graduated from EAST and also recommended the seminary. Finally, my wife had been a full-time staff in Cru for seven years and we have friends who studied in EAST.

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Inaugural Partners-in-Ministry Chinese Program


Equipping the most important partner of Chinese ministers and Christian workers

EAST launched the Chinese online program of the Partners in Ministry (PIM) in July 2023 to meet the equipping needs of Mandarin-speaking wives of men who are ministers, Christian workers, and seminary students. EAST News caught up Mrs Agnes Liong to find out more on the progress of the program and students.

“I started attending church with my mother when I was just 5 years old, but I truly received Christ as my Lord when I was 15 and was passionate about sharing the gospel with others. Hence, at 16, I started serving full-time and brought the good news to different places. After being married, we decided I would work to support the family and his ministry so he could serve God full-time. However, I wanted to study and be more equipped so that I can serve alongside my husband better,” a student wrote in her application for the Chinese PIM program.

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MG Ministry Weekend – Building Up the Body of Christ


One of the distinctives of EAST is MG (Mentoring Group) Ministry Weekend, when students, with guidance from mentors, gain ministry experience at regional locations in partnership with local churches and ministries. The students are part of EAST MGs with faculty as the MG Leaders. In the words of Mrs Josephine Goh, EAST Director of MG, “Ministry Weekend is a valuable time to behold God’s faithful love for his people in Asia! It is also a timely pause for our students to apply what they have learned in classes; truly a time of ‘intentional mentoring and enhanced learning without walls’ experience.”

This year, from 14 to 19 September, there were five teams that ministered in three countries: Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. What did they do at these locales and how was the experience beneficial to the team members and the hosts?

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