Update from Hong Kong Alumnus

Alumnus Ps David Sun and wife Veronica

Recently, EAST News caught up with our Hong Kong Alumnus Ps David Sun who graduated from EAST in 2019 with a Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies. Below is a short interview:

  1. Being from Hong Kong, what had led you to EAST five years ago?
  • I believe the Lord has led me to study at EAST in 2016.

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Catching up with Alumna from Manila

Guia Karla Gonzales, MA in Christian Ministry, 2016

It has been nearly five years since Guia has graduated from EAST and we recently caught up with this lady who has been busy in the media industry and has been stationed in Manila over the past year due to the worldwide pandemic. Guia Karla Gonzales graduated from EAST with an MA in Christian Ministry in 2016. Below is an interview with her along with some prayer requests:

  1. What have you been keeping busy with since graduating from EAST?

I have had the pleasure and privilege of producing content – various media, mostly videos – for Christian organisations. By producing, I mean a combination of research & writing (or co-writing), creative direction, production management, and team building. Sometimes I get to shape and see-through strategies for marketing and distribution of content, but often I leave that to the expertise of the organisations who are more familiar with their audiences.

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Ministry Update from Manipur

Alumnus Pammiyo Kasar and wife Athot

Pammiyo Kasar, who graduated in May 2018 with a Master of Divinity in InterCultural Studies, sent his February 2021 ministry update to EAST from Manipur and shared that 2020 has been a year of struggle and hardship for many. Amidst the struggles and sufferings, there are still reasons to rejoice and be thankful to God. He and his wife Athot have experienced God’s provision, protection and healing grace.

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American Alumnus Ministering Locally

Alumnus Will Stacken & wife Amanda

American Alumnus Will Stacken graduated in May 2018 with a Master of Divinity in Christian Ministry. He has been serving in Living Hope Methodist Church since then and has settled down in Singapore with his wife Amanda, a Singaporean. Below is a short interview with him along with his prayer requests.

  1. Being an American who had ministry experience in the Netherlands, what led you to Singapore and EAST to complete your seminary studies?

I have always been passionate about multicultural ministry and missions. After several successful mission trips to Southeast Asia, I felt that God might be leading me to long-term service in region. By doing my MDIV in Singapore, I had the time, opportunity and necessary tools to test and affirm God’s calling for the future.

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Prayer Pointers – 25 February 2021

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” – Matthew 28:19.

We are commanded to make disciples of all nations. In order to continuously send labourers to the mission field, training must go on. Covid-19 has accelerated EAST in its use of onsite, online, and hybrid means to reach and equip leaders for the Great Commission. As you sense God’s calling, do go to EAST, be trained and empowered for ministry.


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