Bible Study Methods – Online PIM Day Course
Bible Study Methods (BS410, 3 Credits, Online)
16 January – 24 April 2023, Mondays, 1.00 pm-3.00 pm
This course will help students to learn basic inductive bible study methods, understand small group dynamics and facilitation, and to equip students on how to first study the bible on their own and in turn to teach biblical truth through the leading of small group discussions and effective telling of the bible stories.
Defending the Faith in Asia – Intensive Course, Nov-Dec 2022
A special 30 ON 30 promotion for EAST regular courses as part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations! Each regular course will only cost $30 taken for audit (July 2022-June 2023).
Defending the Faith in Asia (Onsite), IS502, 3 Credits
23 November – 2 December 2022, 9.00 am-5.00 pm
(from Wednesday through the following Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday)
Registration is closed.
Nov-Dec 2022 Intensive Courses
A special 30 ON 30 promotion for EAST regular courses as part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations! Each regular course will only cost $30 taken for audit and enrolled from July 2022 to June 2023. Savings of up to $220 or 88% off per course! The promotion is not applicable for course/s marked with #.
The upcoming in-person intensive classes run from 23 November to 2 December 2022, 9.00 AM–5.00 PM (from Wednesday through the following Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday).
- Adolescent Psychology & Counselling (LF567, 3 Credits) – Dr Dohee Ahn (PsyD)
- Defending the Faith in Asia (IS502, 3 Credits) – Dr David Graieg (PhD)
- #Holy Land Study Tour (BS532, 3 Credits) – Dr Keith Shubert (PhD)
Registration deadline for the intensive courses is Tuesday, 15 November 2022 (except for the Holy Land Study Tour which has a deadline of 31 August 2022).
EAST Holy Land Study Tour 2022
15 Days, 27 November to 11 December 2022. Picture yourself cupping your hands to drink water at the same spring where Gideon’s band of 300 select men did the same, climbing the steps that led to the altar of the golden calf in the northern kingdom of Israel, or studying about Jesus calming the storms as you sail across the Sea of Galilee. This is an opportunity to study God’s Word in its original setting. For more information about the Study Tour email Read more
Worldview & Biblical Decision Making – Concurrent Day Course
Worldview & Biblical Decision Making (Concurrent)
TS560, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.00 am
Helps students better understand what a worldview is, how it works, and its importance so they will move toward and creatively apply a more biblical view of the world. The course also briefly examines the history of ethical theory from both general and Christian perspectives to help students develop a more genuinely Christian framework for moral decision making. Students will be encouraged and expected to apply creatively and thoughtfully what they learn to a number of case studies and scenarios as well as utilize this material in their lives and ministries. Read more