In Memory of Alumna Lim-Bay Wan Jee


In Memory of Lim-Bay Wan Jee (1973-2025), EAST Alumna 2007, MDiv ICS 

On 8 March 2025, EAST Community lost one of our best and brightest students who graduated in 2007 with a Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies – Bay Wan Jee. The Lord has called her home. All who know her and have been touched by her gentleness and warmth will cherish our memories with her in our hearts. She graduated from EAST with an Academic Excellence Award, earned by those who are top of their MDiv cohort academically. Wan Jee has also served as a missionary with Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) for 15 years from 2008 after her graduation from EAST. Her ministry was with the elderly in Japan. But when she was undergoing cancer herself and had to go through pain, hers was also a ministry of pain among cancer patients whom she could relate to and empathise with.

Below are eulogies by her teachers and friends about “whose” and “who” she is with the resultant impact on others. Hers was a life well lived for Christ. Aptly, her theme verse for her obituary was, “For to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain” Phil 1:21 (NIV). Her life quote came from Jim Elliott: “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

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MG Retreat 2025

The beginning of January traditionally begins with a Mentoring Group Retreat for the EAST Community and this year was no different, except the location has shifted from Changi Village or Katong to Loyang, still in the eastern part of Singapore. The retreat was held at the Center for Performance Transformation (CPT) Training and Camp Centre. The surroundings were lush with greenery and it was by the seaside, a perfect location where one could spend an afternoon of personal reflection time and worship God.

The meat of the retreat was having Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai share from his heart with the EAST Community. The theme was “Returning to the Way of the Master”. On the first day, he spoke on “Searching for Greatness”. He shared from the text of Mark 10:35-45 where Jesus’ disciples had argued with one another about who was the greatest, It is a natural desire in all of us to want to be somebody and there is nothing wrong with that, as every single one of us is made in the image of Jesus, made in the image of God. However, Asians tend to be less straightforward about acknowledging this desire as opposed to the Westerners.  Often, we have both the wrong ideas about greatness and wrong indicators for greatness. How we measure greatness may not be how the Lord measure it.

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周六,3 月 22 日至 5 月 10 日,上午 10:00 至下午 12:30


注册截止日期为 2024 年 12 月 31 日(星期二)

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Advent Reflection: Where is Jesus?


Below is a timely seasonal reflection by EAST Resident Faculty Rev Dr Lewis Winkler involving a true story of lost and found baby Jesus! Amidst the festivities, have you found the One who truly brings meaning to this season of Advent? Where is Jesus to you?

As part of our yearly Christmas traditions, our family erects a Nativity display, complete with a wooden stable, plastic barn animals, shepherds, an angel, three wise men, Mary and Joseph, and baby Jesus in a manger.  One year, however, baby Jesus disappeared.  Although we searched high and low, He seemed to have vanished into thin air.  When Christmas was over, we reluctantly packed up the stable, animals, and other important figures in the Christmas story, but baby Jesus, who was supposed to be the central figure of the scene, was still missing.

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Student Reflections on Thanksgiving 2024


The EAST Student Council organised a school-wide Thanksgiving event on 15 November 2024. For Themreiso (from India) and Myo Zaw (from Myanmar), both first year students, it was the first such experience in Singapore and they were much ministered by both the people and event. Read of their personal reflection below.

Today, I arrived at school early at 9 a.m. to help arrange for the Thanksgiving program. As I began assisting, I noticed Henry and Elijah (Student Council members) working tirelessly to prepare for the day. Their dedication reminded me of a valuable lesson: true leadership is found in serving others. This insight inspired me to reflect on my own attitudes toward service and leadership.

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