Expository Preaching 1 (Day Course)
Find out if you are eligible to take any one of these courses using the First Course Free@EAST Promotion!
LF555 Expository Preaching 1 (2 credits)
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.15 amGoing beyond public speaking skills, you will learn how to take a biblical text and develop a message relevant to the audience.
Pre-requisites: BS510 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics, OT510 Old Testament Narratives, may be taken concurrently with NT510 New Testament Narratives.
Jacob Li, ThM
Jacob is passionate about teaching. He holds a Master of Continuing Education (Adult Learning) from University of Calgary (Canada) and Master of Theology (Bible Exposition) from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA). He has taught at churches, para-church ministries and seminaries in Canada, USA and Asia.
Registration deadline is Monday, 9 July 2018. You may register online or contact us for registration form.
Throwback Tuesday: New Testament 1 Class, 2012
The photo shows the New Testament 1 class conducted in 2012 and taught by Dr Rob MacEwen, then a resident faculty of EAST. The teacher has since returned to his home country, most of the students have graduated and are in ministry or the marketplace; some are married and have kids, others have taken or are taking advance degrees to be teachers, another has gone home to be with the Lord. All have journeyed through EAST together and have learned, grown, and served together as friends and fellow ministers. Such is the journey of life… and of learning in community!
Watch the “Journey Through EAST” video to know more of the learning journey as seen through the eyes of one who studied at EAST.
Pass The Blessings On
Want to invite mature believers in the “second half” of their life journey to consider being equipped in the Word and in ministry skills?
Give them this card. Available at the EAST administrative office or email us at admissions@east.edu.sg to request for copies to be mailed to you. Pass it on.
Do you lead teams with members from diverse cultures?
This course explores various aspects of Christian leadership within the context of multi-cultural teams especially in a Church/Christian organization setting. Students will begin to evaluate their own cultural biases and grow to adopt a posture of leadership that will enhance the strengths of their multi-cultural teams. This helps fulfill their God-ordained call and in expanding the Kingdom of God. Dr. Kwa Kiem Kiok and Mr. Mark Suredhran will co-teach this class.
IS565 or LF519 Leading Multi-Cultural Teams (2 credits)
- Thursdays: 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm
- Class starts: 9 Jan 2014
- Registration deadline: Friday, 13 Dec 2013
What is God’s worldwide mission purpose?
What is He doing around the world? What does he want to do through His people today? This course looks at these questions and is an introduction to the biblical, historical, cultural and strategic perspectives of world missions. Students learn how to be meaningfully involved in missions as taught by Dr. Rick Langston, who has ministered in Asia for over 30 years.
IS510 World Missions (2 credits)
- Wednesdays: 9.00 am – 11.15 am
- Class starts: 8 Jan 2014
- Registration deadline: Friday, 13 Dec 2013