Alumna’s “Best thing I had at EAST”














“Muugii” Namjildorg Munkhtsetseg, Partners in Ministry Certificate graduate (2020), shared about the “best thing” she experienced at EAST. She is thankful for loving mentors like Josephine and Agnes who took good care of her. Her husband, “Zoloo” Tsendendamba Zoljargal, also graduated with MA in Leadership (2020) and served as Student Council President.

Read more alumni stories at

#EASTAlumni #EASTLifestyle

Artwork by Blessed Ong

EAST – An Intercultural Learning Community

EAST is intercultural. The Lord has put together faculty, staff and students from all over the world as a learning community that literally equips the nations.

Pammiyo Kasar came from India to be equipped in the MDivICS program at EAST. His learning journey has been greatly enriched by having an international mentoring community.

Design by Blessed Ong

Head, Heart & Hands Transformed

I started my learning journey with EAST in 2013 while being an entrepreneur running a family-owned business. I served as an elder on my church board, led a 20-member Home Group Community (HGC) and chaired the evangelism rally committee.

A Call to be Equipped

My wife and I enrolled into the EAST Master of Divinity program to answer our senior pastor’s call for the lay leaders in our church to be theologically trained to preach and teach more effectively, and eventually contribute towards the vision of expanding our pastoral institute into a liberal arts theological institution.

Along the way, the Lord has led me into the BAM (Business as Mission) ministry for urban ministry collaborations with other entrepreneurs. So far, God has allowed me the privilege to establish a number of BAM start-ups and lead the urban ministry collaboration in an East Asian city.

Holistic Education

Rather than just acquiring head knowledge, I find myself being transformed in my heart, which impacted the actual doing of my hands.

Our learning happened not just in class, but also in our mentoring group and ministry time in Ministry Weekends, FIRM (Formation, Integration, Reflection, and Ministry) classes and (CCTI) Cross-Cultural Team Internship trips. The highlight for me was the 20 days of my CCTI trip in Mongolia.

God has broadened my initial idea of local church ministry into a vision for even more collaborations in His kingdom. This is all for His glory.

Spiritual Refreshing

Christian Leadership Foundations was the EAST module that impacted me the most. While serving as a leader in ministry, I did not realize that I had neglected the condition of my heart and was burning out. In this module, the Lord taught me to create margins in my life to “take care and love myself”. I learned to prioritize my time with God and family to serve Him more effectively in the long haul.

For those considering when to attend bible school for holistic equipping in the head, heart, and hands, there is no better time than now!

– Michael is a graduate from our Master of Divinity program, and his passion is to reach and equip entrepreneurs for Christ.

An Alumnus’ Reflection: Choosing EAST in Asia

Will Stacken, our alumnus from the US chose to come to Asia for his seminary equipping. EAST became his home for 3 years as he went though our Master of Divinity program with an international community of faculty, staff and students.

Being in the EAST community forms deep friendships with faculty, staff and fellow students that last through the many years of life and ministry after graduation.

Graphic artwork by Blessed Ong


God Equips and Transforms His People

Indeed, God is at work in making all things beautiful in His time. Our alumna, Naleng has been brought through many seasons of her life by the leading and provision of God.

EAST was a place of equipping and transformation for Naleng. She continues her ministry with us today in the EAST Extensions Program in Cambodia.

Read her testimony here.

Pictures courtesy of Naleng Real and Blessed Ong.

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