EAST 30th Commencement


EAST will be holding our 30th Commencement Service on 18 May 2024.

This year, we will be celebrating with the 12 graduands who have been working hard towards the completion of their degrees over the years. The certificates, diplomas, and degrees that will be awarded to these graduands include:

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28th Commencement Magazine 2022

East Asia School of Theology celebrated the achievements of the latest cohort of graduates at the EAST 28th Commencement Service on 21 May 2022.

View the commencement magazine below as a flipbook and be blessed by the stories of the graduates. Use the full screen view for maximum viewing experience. You can download the PDF here. Enjoy!



You may also view the above on the flipbook creation website.

Writer/Editor: Lau Ying Kheng, Chan Chong Hiok. Designer: Josie Quak.


#EASTLifestyle #EASTgraduation #EASTcommencement #EASTalumni

Locked down for good

Thomas Kwok Chuek Hang (Hong Kong), MDiv Teaching & Exposition


When Singapore went into ‘Circuit Breaker’ on 7th April 2020 to curb the spread of COVID-19, Thomas Kwok’s world was turned upside down and inside out.

“All schools, offices, and eating places were closed,” says the Information Engineering graduate from Chinese University of Hong Kong. “We couldn’t go out except to do basic essentials like getting groceries and doing exercises.”

So, to escape from being cooped up in the dorm, Thomas took to exercising outdoors every day. This developed into a routine that made all the difference to his final days at EAST.

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27th Commencement Magazine 2021

East Asia School of Theology celebrated the achievements of the latest cohort of graduates at the EAST 27th Commencement Service on 15 May 2021. The commencement magazine as a flipbook is out now. Use the full screen view for maximum viewing experience. Enjoy!



The 27th cohort of graduates went on a migration of EAST campus from Christ Church (2018) through Grace Church (2019) and finally arrived at 118 Joo Chiat Road (2020), dubbed as the EAST Mission Hub. They also underwent unprecedented challenges because of the COVID pandemic (2020-2021) resulting in online-only classes, meetings, and mentoring amidst social distancing and lockdown.
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New Heart of a Teacher
















EAST Alumnus Saw Mu Draw Plow, (MDiv in Christian Ministry, 2020), shared that at EAST, God gave him “head’ and ‘hand’ training to be an evangelist and Bible instructor to reach his people (from Myanmar). But more importantly, God gave him a new heart of a teacher.

#EASTAlumni #EASTLifestyle