Appreciating Chinese New Year at Chapel

EAST gathered this week for a very festive Chapel service filled with the celebratory spirit of Chinese New Year. The leading Mentoring Group took everyone through a hands-on session of mutual blessing with the exchange of well-wishes, mandarin oranges and red packets.

Be blessed with a fantastic Chinese New Year holiday season filled with the joy of the Lord!

Photos courtesy of Lisa Xu and Tan Eng Kwang

This Semester’s Concluding Chapel


Today we had our last chapel for the semester. Our faculty, Dr Keith Shubert facilitated us in a time of Communion with the Lord.

“The Lord is my Shepherd; that’s all I want.”
Such was the concise notion of Psalm 23 according to a child. The sheep of the Shepherd need only Him, for through Him all will be well.

Photos courtesy of Tan Eng Kwang

Blessings by Faith through Earnest & Ming Li


At a recent chapel service, we saw faith in how Earnest Lau & Tan Ming Li obeyed the Lord’s leading to bring their music as a blessing into communities near and far.

Photos courtesy of Lau Ying Kheng and Tan Eng Kwang


Tips for Everyone at Seminary

Dr Keith and Jacob’s mentoring group put together a session at last week’s chapel to share tips on how to do well as a seminary student.

Here’s what was shared:

(1) Continue to spend time with God. This recharges you and keeps you spiritually fresh. Your morning quiet time and short times of reflection throughout the day helps you stay connected with God.

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First Corinthians Period Drama

At a recent Chapel Service, the Mentoring Group (MG) responsible for organizing the service acted out a period drama on 1 Corinthians to convey the inherent gospel message of body life and unity. Watch a snippet below:


The MG is helmed by two faculty who individually teaches Expository Preaching (Mr Jacob Li) and Exposition of Romans (Dr Andrew Spurgeon) this past semester. Praise God for the meaningful Bible lesson taught in a refreshing way.

Video courtesy of Benjamin Low.


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