Henry Tan: Great Commission Disciple-making
EAST Chapel Service Message by Dr Henry Tan: The Great Commission and Disciple-making
At a recent EAST Chapel Service, we were graced by Dr Henry Tan, President of the International Leadership Consortium (ILC) of which EAST is a member. He spoke on “The Great Commission Disciple-making.” It covered today’s challenges facing discipleship and staying committed to the One who calls us to Himself and the task of the Great Commission in making multiplying disciples. To watch the video, click the above picture or see below. Read more
Last Chapel of 2022
The last chapel service of the semester was held on 2 November 2022, concluding the series of chapels on the theme of “Committed to Growing in Christlikeness”. Mrs Josephine Li together with her husband Rev Jacob Li co-emceed the service. They warmly welcomed a few of our alumni who joined us for chapel that day including Bataaraa, a church planter from Mongolia, Ps Timothy Saw from Myanmar, and Mr Chan Kok Meng who is currently serving at Yio Chu Kang Chapel as a church staff. There were also some visitors who could be potential new students at EAST as well. Josie and Jacob started off with an ice-breaker by asking the audience to search for a piece of paper beneath their chairs. Four of them had to share a personal thanksgiving and the most memorable thanksgiving came from Kok Meng, who shared, “I thank God that I could be be married be Diana in 2018!” Everyone cheered as they are both EAST alumni and met while studying at EAST. The four who shared a thanksgiving walked away with an NTUC voucher each! There was much to be thankful for indeed.
My Grace is Sufficient For You

God’s all sufficient grace.
Jacob Li and Liong Kwok Wai’s Mentoring Group recently gave us this reminder at Chapel, as we recalled and recorded recent instances of God’s grace on slips of paper, which we pasted together to form a big “GRACE”.
Piecing together all the testimonies also reminded us that altogether, they spell “GOD”, the One who has made all these possible.
May the grace of God indeed prove sufficient for you.
Photo courtesy of Wong Ee Yuing.