EAST Alumna Sophie Lo as Mother, Wife & Christlike Leader

L to R: Nelson Lo, Hannah Lo (17), Sophie Lo, Joshua Lo (15)

Leading up to this Mother’s Day weekend, we are featuring an EAST alumna and EAST staff Mrs Sophie Lo who is a mother, wife and leader in EAST Community. Sophie is a mother to two teenagers, Hannah (17) and Joshua (15), wife to EAST’s Dean of Administration Mr Nelson Lo, and works in the EAST HR Department. She graduated with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (2020) and was awarded the Spiritual Multiplier Award. Currently. Sophie also oversees the social media platforms for the WOW MOM ministry of Cru Singapore. Below is an interview with her on her juggling responsibilities among her varied roles and thoughts on motherhood.

  1. Sophie, how did you manage to juggle your responsibilities as a wife and mother while also completing your studies, and fulfilling your duties at the EAST HR department?

Slow and steady described my study journey at EAST. When my kids were very young, I took one course at a time, so that I could give attention to my kids and yet reaped the benefits from my studies. As my kids grew older and more independent, I began to take on more courses in order to complete my program within a time frame. The journey was slow and took me a very long time. Fellow students who started their program at the same time or even after me, have graduated one after another while I would still be registering for courses to complete my credits requirement. Despite the slowness and length of time taken, I have enjoyed my studies thoroughly, was able to apply most of what I learnt in my ministry, and could also fulfil my duties at the EAST HR department.

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“EAST is a very family-oriented seminary!” – Alumna Jessie Suciati

Alumna Jessie Suciati with her husband Colonel Gene Tan, daughter Shannah, and twin boys Reuel and Leeron.

Alumna Jessie Suciati has recently relocated back to Singapore with her three children, daughter Shannah (14), and twin boys Reuel (10) which means “friend of God” in Hebrew, and Leeron (10) which means “my song”, after being away in Jarkarta for the past four years. Her husband Gene Tan serves as a Colonel in the Singapore Armed Forces and since their early days of marriage, they have moved from places to places due to different military assignments received.

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Korean Alumnus served in New Zealand: Eric Lee Jaesun


EAST Korean Alumnus Mr Eric Lee Jaesun came to EAST to pursue his Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies in 2016 and completed the program in May 2018. EAST News caught up with how he has been doing since his graduation with some short interview questions below.

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Hong Kong Alumnus visits EAST Mission Hub: David Sun

Back row: Boon Aitee, Esther Tan, Ee-Yuing Wong (EAST Staff) Front Row: Veronica & David Sun (EAST Alumnus)

EAST Alumnus David Sun and his wife Veronica recently made their first visit to EAST Mission Hub since the school moved there last year. While he was pursuing his Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies at EAST (he graduated in 2019), David was also the President of the Student Council. Some would have remembered his youngest son Samuel who would come along to help with vacuuming the premises after various events. They were a good father and son team. David and his wife flew into town from Hong Kong where they reside to visit Samuel who has recently been enlisted into Singapore’s National Service.

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EAST Thanksgiving & Envisioning Day 2021


On 5 June 2021, we held our inaugural EAST Mission Hub Thanksgiving and Envisioning Day (TED) online over two sessions at 10.00 am and 2.30 pm with over 100 participants joining us for each of the sessions. The program saw various alumni, students, faculty, and Christian leaders who testified of God’s work in their lives and ministry because of their journey through and with EAST.

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