Rev Dr Ronald (Ron) Watters

Rev Ron Watters, PhD

Senior Academic Mentor, East Asia School of Theology
Educational Development Specialist, President’s Team, International Leadership Consortium


ronw [at]


PhD-Theological Studies, Trinity International University, USA (2003)
ThM, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA (1983)
MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA (1983)
BA-Speech, Utah State University, USA (1975)


Ron has been on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, International (CCCI), since 1975. His work has been primarily in formal and non-formal development of church and para-church leaders. That focus was in Asia for his first 38 years with CCCI. Now living in the USA, he develops leaders globally in addition to Asia through his role with the International Leadership Consortium (ILC), an educational subsidiary of CCCI. He served extensively as the Dean of Academic Affairs for the International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL) in the Philippines; then, also, for a couple years as the EAST Interim Dean of Academics. He was ordained by the North Shore Chinese Church, Deerfield, Illinois, USA in 1984. He is passionate about developing scholarly practitioners whose academic training is practical and applicable for the average person outside the academy. He is married, has three adult children, and four grandchildren.