Posted by jaclyn on May 13, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Crisis Counselling (LF563, 3 Credits, Online)
25 May – 3 June (from Wednesday through the following Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday)
9.00 am-5.00 pm
Where is God in the midst of pain, suffering, a pandemic? How do I come alongside and help those who question God’s goodness? This course will equip you to provide effective emotional, spiritual and psychological care to individuals, families and communities following critical incidents and times of crisis.
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Posted by aitee on May 12, 2022 · Leave a Comment
“Both riches and honour come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.” – 1 Chronicles 29:12, ESV
Are you struggling in your own strength to meet deadlines and to make ends meet? Let go and look to the Lord for empowerment.
Praise God:
- That our powerful Abba father rules and reigns, bestows honour and wealth to whoever He favours.
Pray for
- Our hearts to be aligned with God, as we submit ourselves in humility to Holy Spirit’s leading.
- EAST community to be blessed by God, to be used by Him for His purpose to glorify Him and bless others.
#EASTLifestyle #PrayerRequest #TheLordIsMyStrengthAndShield
Posted by jaclyn on May 10, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Integral Mission and Transformational Development (IS566/LF525, 3 Credits, Concurrent)
25 May – 3 June (from Wednesday through the following Friday, excluding Saturday and Sunday)
9.00 am-5.00 pm
This course will examine the fundamentals of integral mission and transformational development, as well as the relationship between the two. The lessons and case studies from this course will help prepare students interested in serving cross-culturally among poor and marginalized least-reached communities.
Concurrent courses are held onsite and online simultaneously. Singapore residents who are taking the course for credit can only take the course onsite. Audit students must choose either onsite or online for the duration of the course.
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Posted by tanengkwang on May 10, 2022 · Leave a Comment

East Asia School of Theology and Capelle Church Equip recently hosted an inter-generational dialogue titled “Hello, You’re Muted,” over the joys, challenges and hopes of Christian leaders across the generations.
The panel presented and interacted over three aspects of ministering across the generations. They engaged each other’s thoughts and constructively responded to a number of questions from the floor covering the generational challenges on multiple fronts. These include having conversations with (and between) children in the family, recognizing the merits of the different generations, having genuine interest and concern for the younger generations, responding well to leadership, recognizing the need to nurture upcoming generations, and cultivating a helpful culture of interaction that facilitates healthy conversations in the long run. Read more
Posted by eeyuing on May 6, 2022 · Leave a Comment

L to R: Nelson Lo, Hannah Lo (17), Sophie Lo, Joshua Lo (15)
Leading up to this Mother’s Day weekend, we are featuring an EAST alumna and EAST staff Mrs Sophie Lo who is a mother, wife and leader in EAST Community. Sophie is a mother to two teenagers, Hannah (17) and Joshua (15), wife to EAST’s Dean of Administration Mr Nelson Lo, and works in the EAST HR Department. She graduated with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (2020) and was awarded the Spiritual Multiplier Award. Currently. Sophie also oversees the social media platforms for the WOW MOM ministry of Cru Singapore. Below is an interview with her on her juggling responsibilities among her varied roles and thoughts on motherhood.
- Sophie, how did you manage to juggle your responsibilities as a wife and mother while also completing your studies, and fulfilling your duties at the EAST HR department?
Slow and steady described my study journey at EAST. When my kids were very young, I took one course at a time, so that I could give attention to my kids and yet reaped the benefits from my studies. As my kids grew older and more independent, I began to take on more courses in order to complete my program within a time frame. The journey was slow and took me a very long time. Fellow students who started their program at the same time or even after me, have graduated one after another while I would still be registering for courses to complete my credits requirement. Despite the slowness and length of time taken, I have enjoyed my studies thoroughly, was able to apply most of what I learnt in my ministry, and could also fulfil my duties at the EAST HR department.
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