Contextualisation – Concurrent Day Course

Contextualisation (Concurrent)
IS520/TS570, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.00 am 

This course examines the process involved in the contextualisation of theology and ministry, identifying themes and methods appropriate for the Asian context.  Using the framework of critical contextualisation, the class will examine the issues that arise in contextualising.  Students will also develop strategies to contextualise meaningfully in their church and ministry. Read more

Upcoming Webinar: Passing Through the Waters

In this webinar on 2 June 2022, Dr Stephen L. Martyn, Associate Professor of Spiritual Formation from Asbury Theological Seminary and Ms Josephine Lew, Mentoring Group Director and Lecturer at East Asia School of Theology will share how God guides and forms us through challenging seasons of life.

The webinar will also cover how to abide in God and trust in His providential care, how to recover from the effects of being isolated, and how to walk together with fellow believers in the kingdom of God.

Explore, for more information on additional anniversary webinars in May and June 2022.

Partner EAST to Equip International Servant Leaders

At East Asia School of Theology’s 28th Commencement Service in May 2022, we graduated and sent out another 17 workers to the harvest field. This is on top of the over 500 graduates that we have equipped since we started in 1992. 2022 is a significant milestone as we celebrate 30 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness in equipping Christlike servant leaders for the Great Commission.

Our alumni serve as missionaries, pastors, teachers, church planters, etc. in over 25 countries around the world and are making an eternal impact for God’s kingdom. See the following stories of our alumni with their ministry: Read more

Building Spiritual Movements – Concurrent Day Course

Building Spiritual Movements (Concurrent)
IS501, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm

This course provides the “big picture” of building disciples in a movement context.

Students learn the biblical basis of spiritual movements and analyze a few historical and current examples.  This course is intended to motivate and equip students to be more effective in their personal ministry of evangelism and discipleship and trust God to build communities of Spirit-filled multipliers wherever He calls them to minister.  Prerequisite: IS400 Evangelism & Follow-Up Seminar. Read more

Choong Voon: Renovation of Body, Heart and Soul

Meet a graduate from the recent 28th Commencement – Mr Wong Choong Voon, Malaysian, MDiv in Intercultural Studies and worshipped at Cornerstone Fellowship (Bahasa Indonesia). He is also the recipient of the EAST President Leadership Award and Academic Excellence Award. 

Twenty years in full-time ministry, former Cru Malaysia staff, now Chinese Timothy Mission worker who served among slum-dwellers in Semarang, Java, before joining EAST. Choong Voon’s vision is to reach the unreached peoples in Malaysia and Indonesia.

“When I first arrived at EAST, I was all ready for hard work and discipline,” says the Micro-Electronics Engineer by training and EAST Student Council President (2020-21). “But my engine was in a very bad shape.” Years of late-nights, no exercise, and poor diet, he confides, led to an unhealthy body, heart and soul. “These bad habits carried on in my student life.”

The “turning point” came during his second-year school break.

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