Introduction to Educational Ministry & Leadership – Online Day Course

Introduction to Educational Ministry & Leadership (Online)
LF532, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm

This course expands the students’ awareness and understanding of the primary educational ministry of the Church — engaging God’s people in growth towards maturity in Christ.  This course includes a study of biblical, theological, philosophical, and developmental foundations of educational ministry.  It also examines needs and trends in Asia of various groups, how ministries seek to address these needs, and principles of developing and leading these ministries in an Asian context. Read more

When I am weak


Yami Asai Shimray (India) recently graduated with an MDiv in Christian Ministry and also received the EAST Spiritual Multiplier Award. She served as part of the pastoral team at New Horizon Church. She was recently married to Mathingmi Hongchui in a beautiful wedding service at Grace Baptist Church. Both of them are deeply committed to build up the Church in India and beyond. Yami will leave for her DMin studies in Family Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, joining her husband who is reading a PhD (Christian Education in Family and Generational Studies) at the same seminary.  

Growing up in Manipur, India, ‘fear’ was not in Yami Shimray’s dictionary.

At six, she fell into a river during a riot but climbed back up “to everyone’s amazement”; at seven Dad passed away and she became Mummy’s helper at home while she worked; all through university and Masters degree in Tourism Management, she worked to support herself.

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Teaching & Learning 1 – Onsite Day Course

Teaching & Learning 1 (Onsite)
LF530, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.00 am

This course equips the student with critical skills to facilitate learning groups in a relevant and life changing manner. Building on a foundation of Bible study, the student learns to assess the audience, understand various types of groups and their dynamics, develop a lesson plan, and facilitate in order that participants are actively engaged in the learning process. Students practice facilitation skills in small group contexts. Read more

Prayer pointers 9 June 2022


“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” -Isaiah 52:7 -ESV

Truly blessed are those who love Jesus and love people, who share the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory.  Read more

Christian Leadership Foundations – Online Day Course

Christian Leadership Foundations (Online)
LF510, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm-4.30 pm

This course examines the biblical standard of Servant-Steward-Shepherd leadership against some popular leadership theories and praxis.  Students will discover how God has uniquely designed them in areas of gifting, passion, temperament, and life experience.  A time will be provided for each student to seek God for a personal vision and mission for the next fifteen years of their life.  These have implications for personal management of their time, talent, and treasure over a lifetime. Read more

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