Prayer Pointers 30 June 2022


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17 -ESV

Are you puzzled by the current global phenomenon due to climate changes, covid pandemic and the unexpected political landscape in some countries?  Are you able to find your footing and ways to understand to move on confidently amidst these changes? Read more

EAST Holy Land Study Tour 2022

15 Days, 27 November to 11 December 2022. Picture yourself cupping your hands to drink water at the same spring where Gideon’s band of 300 select men did the same, climbing the steps that led to the altar of the golden calf in the northern kingdom of Israel, or studying about Jesus calming the storms as you sail across the Sea of Galilee. This is an opportunity to study God’s Word in its original setting. For more information about the Study Tour email Read more

Reflections on EAST Crisis Counselling Course


The EAST Crisis Counselling intensive class was held concurrently online and onsite over eight days from 25 May to 3 June 2022. The class sought to equip the students for effective emotional, spiritual and psychological care to others following times of crisis.

The class was taught primarily by Dr Anne Fallow and co-taught by Ms Karen Zando. Dr Anne has been a Cru staff for 46 years and has served in Asia as a missionary for 15 years. She is with the Vice President’s Global Leadership Team where she has assisted in crisis debriefs, various personal and team assessments. She has also mentored women in leadership across Asia. Karen has served with Cru for 35 years, 17 of which were with Athletes in Action ministering to the athletic community for Christ. She has served with the Global Leadership Development Human Resource team for the last 15 years.

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Prayer Pointers 23 June 2022


And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever”, – John 14:16, ESV

As we celebrate Father’s Day, may we all be thankful to our Heavenly Father for His everlasting love and gift of the Holy Spirit to us. Read more

Worldview & Biblical Decision Making – Concurrent Day Course

Worldview & Biblical Decision Making (Concurrent)
TS560, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.00 am

Helps students better understand what a worldview is, how it works, and its importance so they will move toward and creatively apply a more biblical view of the world.  The course also briefly examines the history of ethical theory from both general and Christian perspectives to help students develop a more genuinely Christian framework for moral decision making.  Students will be encouraged and expected to apply creatively and thoughtfully what they learn to a number of case studies and scenarios as well as utilize this material in their lives and ministries. Read more

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