Prayer Pointers 14 July 2022


“Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” – Matthew 6:8, ESV

Do you need a helping hand in life and are you seeking from the right source?   Have you forgotten that you have a heavenly Father?

Praise God:

– That our heavenly Father loves us with unconditional and everlasting love, knows our needs even before we ask of Him.

Pray for:

– All at EAST to recognise, receive and be comforted by His love; to rest in Him, and to follow His guidance fearlessly as He leads us in the way forward.

– EAST community (with new friends joining this semester) to fellowship with and inspire one another, and worship God together.


Silent Pandemic: Loneliness in the Church

How do we embrace and include the lonely in church, as a true community of faith and friends?

We don’t like to admit it, but many of us feel lonely in church. Why do some people struggle to fit in? How can pastors and leaders rethink the ways we do church? How might we relearn the art of friendship? Hear from our panel and learn from one another in focus group discussions facilitated by Capelle learning consultants.

Registration has closed.

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A Rich Man

As Enkh surveys all that he has gathered over the last three-and-a-half years, he feels like a rich man. “We came to Singapore with only the first month’s rental,” he says, “but God has blessed us with much – books, clothes, schooling needs, and treasures that money cannot buy.”

Such treasures included practical knowledge he could bring back to his three congregations of “first-generation believers” in and outside of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s captial city. “I have already started teaching my leaders back home what I learned here, e.g., Bible Study Methods by Rev Jacob Li, spiritual disciplines by Dr Lewis, and Theology by Dr Raymond Go.”

“I really like Dr Raymond Go; he would entertain my many questions – even disagreements – in class.”

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Prayer Pointers 7 July 2022


“The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the Lord, and the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One of Israel.” Isaiah 29:19 – ESV

It is the dawn of a new beginning, a fresh new semester at EAST. Let us rejoice in welcoming new students in our midst and returning students to our vibrant EAST community of learning together and serving one another. Read more

EAST Transformative Partnerships in Indonesia

MOU signing ceremony to formalise Indonesian equipping partnerships with Bethsaida Evangelical School of Theology, Medan (top) and Ambassadors for Christ Singapore/Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia (bottom).


East Asia School of Theology has formed various strategic partnerships with Christian organisations, churches, and other theological institutions over the last few years toward the seminary’s vision of equipping Christlike leaders for the Great Commission, for a transformed Asia and beyond. EAST has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with Bethsaida Evangelical School of Theology/Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Bethsaida (BEST), Medan, Indonesia on 10 March 2019 and Ambassadors for Christ Singapore (AFCS) on 31 March 2022.

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