Ministry Amongst Books: Librarians Mala and David

Faithful EAST Librarians: Mr David Lim (left) and Ms M Malarkody (right)

Before joining EAST, both Mala and David were civil servants.

“I enjoy interacting with students at EAST.  My joy is getting to know the students – both local and overseas and bond with them. The sadness is having to say goodbyes to the international students after their commencement ceremony. I had the opportunities to pray with the students, laugh with them and even cry with them. Having the student librarians have been a source of help and encouragement to me over the years.” Mala shared.

As for David, he recalled, “I joined EAST in 2019 and I was posted to work with Mala at the library. A year later on October 2020, we were faced with the challenge of setting up the library at the Joo Chiat Campus.  Because of space constraint, we had to downsize the book collection from 16,000 to 12,000 books.  It was a real challenge as we had to label the boxes, shelf the books systematically and it involved the physical labour of moving the books over.”

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Prayer Pointers 15 September 2022


“Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness”. -Ecclesiastes 2:13 ESV

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Mentoring Groups, Go Forth!


This coming weekend, EAST Mentoring Groups (MGs) head out to various locations in the neighbouring region to serve and minister in a variety of contexts. These short ministry stints are opportunities for our program students to practice servant leadership and apply practical ministry skills together with their fellow MG members. Ministry Weekend is thus part of the holistic development of head, heart and hands in our students that puts classroom learning into hands-on practice.

Our Mentoring Groups will be serving in a culture outside of their own while learning how best to work together in teams. This provides a rich environment where team unity, conflict resolution, and growth can take place. Read more

God is making a beautiful thing: Deborah Quek

Deborah Quek, Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Counselling student, and Arya (her friend’s adopted pet dog, a Singapore Special)

Recently, Deborah Quek led the Wednesday EAST Chapel time for a community bonding time on behalf of the Student Council. Deborah is currently studying Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Counselling at EAST and is a fresh face to many of us in the community. Below is a short interview to get to know this dear sister’s journey to and through EAST. Read on and be encouraged by how God is working in her life.

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Prayer Pointers 8 September 2022


“I have taught you the way of wisdom; I have led you in the paths of uprightness”.  -Proverbs 4:11, ESV

God has taught, but have we learned? Are we following Him wisely in humility, walking in His will and glorifying Him?

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