Cru Singapore’s 50th Anniversary – His Story, His Glory


2022 is a milestone year for both Cru Singapore and EAST. On 17 September, Cru Singapore held a celebratory event at Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church to mark her 50th anniversary celebrations and saw about 400 people gathering together for a time of worship, prayer, message, photo-taking at a photo-booth, and food (snack boxes were distributed and coffees made available to go with the pastries). Guests who arrived were treated to a keepsake coffee table book of over 50 stories titled “His Story, His Glory”. It is a collection of stories from the lives of Cru Singapore staff, disciples and volunteers from the pioneers, the present and even the past (one specially penned by Chan Chong Hiok on behalf of Chen Hui Lin, leader of Media Ministry for many years, who has gone back to the Lord).

Below are thoughts from an EAST staff, a faculty spouse and an alumnus who were present at the event. May their sharing give you a glimpse of the day’s festivities.

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Crossing Cultures Digitally with CCTI

One of EAST CCTI (Cross-Cultural Team Internship) teams this year crossed borders digitally to work with ministry partners in Cambodia to conduct sessions of outreach and equipping to communities of young people. The sessions covered leadership education, life skills, bible study and music as topics of interest for young people. Read the Team Cambodia ministry report here and watch the video above or click here.

CCTI ministry is typically cross-cultural as teams will be ministering to people groups of different languages and cultures. In addition, teamwork within CCTI teams is also cross-cultural because these teams are typically made up of students from different nations. On top of learning how best to communicate with each other in the team, each team must also plan and decide how best to minister in a cross-cultural setting. This is indeed a putting together of the heart, head and hands–the holistic approach of equipping at EAST.

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Jessica Ang: Adamant Faith and Centrality of God’s Word

Alumni Richard Kwan and Jessica Ang

Through Jessica Ang’s recent involvement with “The Silent Pandemic: Loneliness in the Church” seminar held jointly with EAST and Capelle, we managed to get in touch with Jessica as she was an EAST Alumna (Grad Cert in Missions, 2005) and so was her husband Richard Kwan (MA in Missions & Evangelism, 2005). Below is a short interview with her on her study experience at EAST and where God has led her to serve since then.

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Prayer Pointers 22 September 2022


 “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few” – Matthew 7:14 -ESV

Pray for:

– Greater harvest to come forth from the 50 years of making disciples everywhere by Cru Singapore and 30 years of equipping by EAST; training and leading others to their higher calling.

– EAST community to continually love and serve through incarnational presence and reaching through digital space for God’s global mission, for His glory!

#EASTCommunity #PrayerRequest #SeekGodlyWisdom.

Break Free … From Lies About Husband

Discover the lies that put us in bondage and how the biblical truths shall set us FREE!

View Part 1 of the Lies About Husband above or click here to watch on YouTube.

View Part 2 of the Lies About Husband above or click here to watch on YouTube.

The above workshop was conducted by Mrs Josephine Li who is the founder of Sisters in Ministry Toolbox and an adjunct faculty at East Asia School of Theology. She graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a MA in Women Ministry.

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