Worldwide Day of Prayer 2022

Shelley Jung (centre) together with the worship team at Worldwide Day of Prayer 2022


It was with great joy that EAST faculty and students were able to gather in person with Cru SG for the Worldwide Day of Prayer on October 4, 2022 after meeting on zoom for the past two years.  With the theme of “Seek My Face” taken from Psalm 27:8 and 1 Chronicles 16:11, we came together to seek God and intercede for our ministries, Singapore, and the nations around us. Read more

Prayer Pointers 20 October 2022


How are you faithfully desiring after God to have the assurance of hope?

“In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge”.  Proverbs 14:26 – ESV

You can come to Him for blessings, grace, mercy and salvation as inheritance for your family and to bless others. Read more

John 3:16 – Multilingual Worship Song

John 3:16 Sung in Arabic, English, Hebrew, Korean, Russian and Persian

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16, ESV.

Despite the variety of cultures, languages, and nationalities, there is One who unites them all–He who is Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour. The Bible verse in John 3:16 summarised this great truth, called us to respond to God’s great love, and formed the basis for this multilingual worship song. Shalom!

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Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies

Dr Bobby Sng (1936-2019), Credits: The Bible Society of Singapore


The Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies (BSSTS) was launched a year ago (15 October 2021) under the auspices of The Bible Society of Singapore. It also commemorated the anniversary of the passing of Dr Bobby Sng, the namesake of the scholarship. He was the advisor and former President of the said Bible society. The scholarship aims to fund needy Singaporeans or Permanent Residents who are doing theological studies and are/will be involved “in Bible missions, in community service, and in youth work.” The three areas are what Dr Sng was passionate about in his life and ministry.

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Prayer Pointers 13 October 2022


Who can you call upon for help in times of trouble?

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer”. -Psalms 19:14 -ESV

Where is the unshakable rock on which you find safety?

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