EAST 30th Anniversary Book

East Asia School of Theology celebrated its 30th Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Celebration for ministry partners on 12 November 2022 and a Homecoming Reunion for alumni on 18 November 2022.

View the commemorative book below as a flipbook and be blessed by the stories of the alumni, student, and staff. Click the Maximize button for the full screen view and Download PDF button to download. Or you can download the PDF here. Enjoy!



You may also view the above on the flipbook creation website.

Coordinators: Agnes Kao, Eliza Yeh. Editors: Woon Lee Tzu, Agnes Kao. Design/Layout: Blessed Charity Ong. Photos: Lau Ying Kheng. Paintings: Patrick Ng. Contributors: Various alumni and Wong Ee Yuing.


#EASTLifestyle #EASTalumni

EAST 30th Anniversary Reflections


I graduated from EAST in 2018 with a Master in Divinity where fond memories remain of the campus in 1 Dorset Road. I came to EAST expecting to arm myself with theological training but God had more in mind for me – EAST equipped me to grow in head, heart and hands. 

At EAST, learning is imbued in every facet of the student life not only in the class but outside the walls of the classroom. There is emphasis on the application of head knowledge distilled through the heart. I am grateful to the teachers who made every effort to teach with passion and conviction that caused learning to take place. I am blessed to have thoroughly enjoyed every subject in my course. Indeed, EAST plays a significant role in equipping their students to become holistic practitioners in the field. 

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Prayer Pointers 17 November 2022


Can you imagine, how your life would be if no one had shared God’s love with you?  If you had not heard, how would you have accepted Him and be empowered by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” Romans 10:14 – ESV.

Now this is an invitation for us to share the good news, to set the captive free as they come to know Christ and have eternal life.

Praise God:

– For His faithfulness in empowering EAST to equip over 480 workers in our 30 years of developing servant leaders for the Great Commission, they are actively serving in 28 countries.

Pray for:

– EAST community to reach out, develop deeper and more significant relationship in order to speak truth and win hearts to Christ.

– God to create opportunities to reach many in countries around the world via internet connection.  May He give us boldness in generating and taking opportunities to share the Gospel.

#EASTCommunity #PrayerRequest #MakingDiscipleEverywhere.

Last Chapel of 2022


The last chapel service of the semester was held on 2 November 2022, concluding the series of chapels on the theme of “Committed to Growing in Christlikeness”. Mrs Josephine Li together with her husband Rev Jacob Li co-emceed the service. They warmly welcomed a few of our alumni who joined us for chapel that day including Bataaraa, a church planter from Mongolia, Ps Timothy Saw from Myanmar, and Mr Chan Kok Meng who is currently serving at Yio Chu Kang Chapel as a church staff. There were also some visitors who could be potential new students at EAST as well. Josie and Jacob started off with an ice-breaker by asking the audience to search for a piece of paper beneath their chairs. Four of them had to share a personal thanksgiving and the most memorable thanksgiving came from Kok Meng, who shared, “I thank God that I could be be married be Diana in 2018!” Everyone cheered as they are both EAST alumni and met while studying at EAST. The four who shared a thanksgiving walked away with an NTUC voucher each! There was much to be thankful for indeed.

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Prayer Pointers 10 November 2022


How are you thankful having received the gospel and enjoyed God’s redemptive grace?

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few…”, Matthew 9:37 -ESV

Yet, how many of us are God’s willing labourers to share His love and salvation with needy others?

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