Prayer Pointers 24 November 2022


Are you led by the Lord to be sent to the harvest field or be a sender or be a supporter?

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2 – ESV

Yet are you hesitating, because you are doubtful of His call or lack the equipping to do so?

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Leading Multicultural Teams – Online Evening Course

Leading Multicultural Teams (IS565, 3 Credits, Online)
10 January – 9 May 2023, Tuesdays, 7.00 pm-9.00 pm

Explore various aspects of Christian leadership within the context of multicultural teams especially in a church or a Christian organisation setting.  Students will begin to evaluate their own cultural biases and grow to adopt a posture of leadership that will enhance the strengths of their multi-cultural teams, thus moving towards synergy in fulfilling their God-ordained call for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

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Adjunct Faculty: Cambodia EEC Teaching Reflections


4th November 2022 was a special day for me. Not only it was a day where I took to flying after close to three years of pandemic restriction, it was also the day that EAST Extension Centre (EEC) could conduct classes on location. The class in Cambodia was probably the first to meet face to face since the pandemic.

I was there to teach New Testament Narratives class to a cohort of students taking Master of Arts in Leadership and Graduate Diploma. This cohort started in 2018 and they are mostly Christian workers. There are organisation leaders, church planters, teachers, Crusade staff and even a missionary from Singapore who has been in Cambodia for 19 years. Before the pandemic, EAST sent instructors to Cambodia several times a year to cover the modules necessary for them to complete their programme.

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Transforming Leadership – Online Evening Course

Transforming Leadership (LF511, 3 Credits, Online)
9 January – 12 May 2023, Mondays, 7.00 pm-9.00 pm 

This course helps leaders in authentic personal transformation and builds passion to serve the world around them for Jesus’ sake.  Examining the underlying theology, leadership theory, and skill set of a transforming leader in today’s world, students will learn that leadership is not a job nor a position but a passion and a calling.  A transformational servant-leader seeks to bring about change in organizations and individuals.

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Bible Study Methods – Online PIM Day Course


Bible Study Methods (BS410, 3 Credits, Online)
16 January – 24 April 2023, Mondays, 1.00 pm-3.00 pm 

This course will help students to learn basic inductive bible study methods, understand small group dynamics and facilitation, and to equip students on how to first study the bible on their own and in turn to teach biblical truth through the leading of small group discussions and effective telling of the bible stories.

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