Biblical Counseling in Ministry – Onsite Day Course

Biblical Counseling in Ministry (LF561, 3 Credits, Onsite)
10 January – 12 May 2023, Tuesdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm 

An introduction of foundational principles and techniques for a ministry of care and counseling.  The course will cover a study of biblical, theological and ethical aspects of counseling in ministry, practical application, as well as common concerns often encountered by ministry practitioners in counseling.

Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson for participation in class discussions.

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Prayer Pointers 1 December 2022


Have you asked for and sought wisdom from God in your life and ministry?

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5 – ESV

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Theology 2 – Onsite Day Course

Theology 2 (TS511, 3 Credits, Onsite)
10 January – 12 May 2023, Tuesdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm

This course helps students grow in their own biblical convictions and understanding of the Christian faith through a systematic study of theology.  The course will examine the doctrines of humanity, sin, salvation, the church and the end times. Prerequisites: BS510 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics, TS560 Worldview and Biblical Decision Making or IS520 Contextualisation.

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Contemporary Worldviews – Online Evening Course

Contemporary Worldviews (TS562, 3 Credits, Online)
12 January – 12 May 2023, Thursdays, 7.00 pm-9.00 pm 

Building on a basic understanding of what a worldview is, this course examines the major contemporary worldviews competing for the hearts and minds of today’s people and societies.  Explore how we as Christians can better understand, appreciate, interact with, and challenge them in genuinely God-honoring ways. The result will be increased confidence and competence in addressing non-Christian worldviews, freshly presenting the gospel, and better effectiveness as disciple-makers.

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EAST Homecoming Reunion 2022

Over 120 alumni, faculty, staff and children attended the Homecoming Reunion in celebration of EAST’s 30th anniversary on 18 Nov 2022.


I graduated in 2002 with a Master of Divinity when EAST was at Dorset Road. I remembered fondly my time there: together with school friends, we either had meals at Cambridge market (‘Hokkien mee’ or seafood soup) or at KK Hospital. Upon graduation, I lost contact with EAST and most of my school mates. It was only in 2017, when I joined EAST Alumni Relations Office, I was back in the loop with some alumni. I managed to compile the database of every EAST alumni. But many of the alumni that I have been writing prayer emails to were just names to me. During the pandemic, I got to see some of them during the Alumni Zoom meetings. A week before the Homecoming Reunion, I managed to meet up with some alumni who visited EAST. I was able to meet up with Sufen (Taiwan) after 20 years. I met Baataraa (Mongolia) and Timothy Saw (Myanmar) when they came to visit EAST during the last chapel.

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